Here are some. According to the book Cinema by the Bay, published by LucasBooks, Lucas named the film after his telephone number while in college: 849-1138—the letters THX correspond to the numbers 8, 4, and 9 on the keypad. The Library of Congress may or may not own a copy of a particular film or video. Over time, THX-1138 has become a cult classic film. In the scene near the end where THX 1138 steals a car, listen carefully to the radio chatter as he prepares to star the engine. The yellow hot rod driven by Paul Le Mat in Lucas' 1973 film American Graffitishows the license plate THX 138. Verified Purchase. Lucas did his first reference to his would-be sci-fi classic by putting it on the plate of the car featured in the film: Lucas would later r eferenced the yellow car in Attack of the Clones - see the yellow speed Anakin Skywalker commanders. THX 1138 is a 1971 science fiction film directed by George Lucas in his feature directorial debut. The film was written by Lucas and Walter Murch. It stars Robert Duvall and Donald Pleasence and depicts a dystopian future in which the populace is controlled through android police officers and mandatory use... 3. Before ‘Star Wars,’ Stream George Lucas's Student Film ‘THX 1138' Now. Star Wars (1977): 1138 is the number of the cell block on the Death Star that Luke Skywalker claims to be transferring Chewbacca from. For example, check out the following clip of Han Solo copping a feel on Princess Leia. You may be more familiar with this film from the sound system company Lucas named in its honor, or from the fact that the number 1138 shows up everywhere in Star Wars and related products in reference to it. George Lucas likes to make references to his 1st film (THX 1138) whenever possible. People in the future live in a totalitarian society. Vader’s costume was influenced by Samurai armor, the Jedi knights wear something that looks like a Kimono, and Leia’s hair style based on a character from Flash Gordon. How to find the "Star Wars Reference" Easter Egg in THX 1138 director's cut. 5.3 /10 with 81 votes. In G7's haste to leave, it collided with Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin, wh… Several readers have asked us about the significance of 1138 in TPM. 1. The Death Star interior iis equal parts THX-1138 and Forbidden Planet. In 1977's Star Wars Epis… That’s why Star Wars was more than just a movie serial redux or forgettable B-movie fare. Lucas Named The Movie After His Telephone Number. Some easter eggs or unintentional blunders of the franchise are barely addressed, but overall all easter eggs in Star Wars are more than just that. Lego Star Wars: The Quest for R2-D2 (2009) (TV Short) "THX 1138" written on hangar wall Bitch Slap (2009) In the film, the stormtrooper was renamed to TK-421. User Rating: 5.3. The Star Wars movies all had some racing aspect to them, whether that was a trench run, speeder bike chase, or a podrace. Six years before Star Wars there was THX 1138, George Lucas' masterpiece about an apocalyptic future where an entire underground society is ruled by a central computer. It is also a remake of his 1967 USC student film project, "Electronic Labyrinth THX 1138 4EB". THX-1138 has been revealed to be the clone commander serving Yoda in Episode II, the retired clone in Star Wars Battlefront II, and behind Oddball in Episode III. The Star Wars saga was created by George Lucas, and consists of three trilogies, TV series and single films.The original trilogy chronicles the war between the Rebellion and the Galactic Empire. In Star Wars: From the Adventures of Luke Skywalker, the 1976 tie-in novelisation of Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, a Stormtrooper is referred to as THX 1138. In an interview for the DVD compilation Reel Talent, which included Lucas's original 4EB short, Lucas stated that he chose the letters and numbers for their aesthetic qualities, especially their symmetry. For that matter, "Cell 2187" is a reference to the short film 21-87, a commentary on a machine-dominated society that was directed by Arthur Lipsett and which inspired George Lucas to make the film THX-1138. In Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977), a reference is made to "prison cell 1138". Here's a new picture from 'NabooGuy' of the movie showing the battledroid and 1138, and a simple explaination compliments of Scuffy: George Lucas, on the other hand, loves to slot references to his first film, THX 1138, everywhere he can. THX 1138 creates a stark and depressing future to highlight the STAR WARS Other Title ... - Jazz on the Screen is a reference work of filmographic information and does not point to digitized versions of the items described. Star Wars is George Lucas' most acclaimed achievement, but it owes many of its themes to his directorial debut, THX 1138.More important than the multiple hidden and oblique references to the 1971 movie’s title in Star Wars movies (and the inspiration for his theater sound system THX), thematic elements from his first studio film are echoed throughout the original and prequel trilogies. The face of the deity worshipped by … Star Wars stood out in 1977 because it was an all-ages sci-fi movie made by the guy who made a movie as audacious and, at times, off-putting film as THX 1138. THX-1138 is a reference to George Lucas' film THX-1138. George Lucas has worked the title of this film, or parts of it, in some of his other films. In American Graffiti (1973), the license plate of one car is "THX 138". In Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977), a reference is made to "prison cell 1138". The cinema sound certification his company developed is called "THX". As THX is without drugs for the first time he has feelings for a woman and they start a secret relationship. In Star Wars a reference is made to a "prison transfer from cell block 1138". It is … The significance of the name THX 1138 has been the subject of much speculation. OMM IS ACTUALLY A 15TH-CENTURY DUTCH PAINTING. Lucas likes to reuse words and numbers in his productions in honor of his previous works. The cinema sound certification his company developed is called "THX". George Lucas was lazy every time he reused the numbers 1138 or 327. Not long afterward, TK-421 sent G7 to deliver a HypnoHypodermal Injector Needle C-7R to an IT-O interrogator droid in Detention Block AA-23; the droid was used by Darth Vader in his interrogation of the imprisoned Princess Leia Organa. THX-1138 References Posted By Joshua on May 28, 1999. This film was made as a result of George Lucas ' student film short project at USC, Electronic Labyrinth THX 1138 4EB (1967). When Han, luke and Chewie are about to rescue Princess Leia, Han speaks on the radio to the Imperials and Cellblock 1138 is mentioned, a refernce to George Lucas's first film THX 1138. 1138was a First Order stormtrooper that served in the decades after the Galactic Civil War. This is part of four of a six part post in which I plan to translate a 142 page Chinese comic book adaptation of Star Wars originally published in Guangdong, China, in the 1980s. One of the first ones you’ll spot is the bar’s address—1138 Seaten Ave. is another reference to the film THX 1138! It was similar in design to a star base that operated earlier, during the Clone Wars. This was something you likely didn’t pick up on as a hyperactive, popcorn gorged child…but you can bet dad caught it. 5.9 /10 with 155 votes. In American Graffiti the reference is in a license plate: THX 138. However, Walter Mur… The poster near Club 41 says, "Wind Still Sucks - Flotsam Island endures 1138th straight day of unwelcome winds," which is a reference to the title of the 1971 film "THX 1138". Movie reference to THX 1138 In the movie Sky Captain and the World of Tommorow, around the 24 minute mark, when Sky Captain and Polly go to Dr. Jennings lab, the number on the door is 1138. The entire world awaits the arrival of Star Wars: The Last Jedi, which hits theaters on … THX 1138 had the chase through the BART tunnels at its climax. The Star Wars and Indiana Jones films ... Lucas even tends to include a nod to himself throughout his films by hiding variations of the number 1138—a reference to his first film, THX 1138… Its billboards, advertisements, map displays, and arrival/departure screens displayed User Rating: 5.9. In The Empire Strikes Back, General Rieekan says, "Send Rogues ten and eleven to station three-eight." Written and conceived by Scott Weller, this is the website to the popular UK STAR WARS fan magazine STAR WARS AFICIONADO.The aim of this blog is to educate, enlighten and, hopefully, entertain STAR WARS fans of all ages across the world. RELATED: Star Wars: 5 Reasons Anakin Could've Been A Good Dad (& 5 Reasons He Wasn't) In Revenge Of The Sith, it comes in the form of the numbers 1138 themselves. IMDB has a item in the trivia for the movie that reads: Dr. Jennings' lab is suite number 1138 - … Chinese Star Wars Comic (Part 4 of 6): THX-1138, why have you left your station? However, Star Wars wasn’t just a hodge podge of recycled old ideas. In Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999), one of the battle droid's number is "1138". This recurrent in-joke in George Lucas films and LucasArts computer games originates in Lucas's short student film Electronic Labyrinth: THX 1138 4EB, which was later reworked into his first theatrical release, THX 1138. The first thing that any viewer will notice is … (You likely know that THX-1138 was the title of Lucas' first feature he directed.) The heroes include Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Princess Leia, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Yoda, who are pitted against the imperial forces led by Emperor Palpatine and his agent, Darth Vader. They can be seen adorned to the helmet of Clone Commander Bacara. Star Wars Episode 4: A New Hope Easter Egg - 1138 Reference. The bar also has references to Star Wars shout outs from Raiders of the Lost Ark and Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom —namely, Lindsey’s plane (OB-CPO) and Club Obi Wan. American Graffiti Easter Egg - THX 1138 Reference. The 1976 novelization of Star Wars has the most obvious reference to THX 1138, as it is name of the stormtrooper that lost his armor to Luke Skywalker after being knocked out on the Millennium Falcon. A technician named THX 1138 lives a mundane life between work and taking a controlled consumption of drugs that the government uses to make puppets out of people. The things you missed when you were a kid but pay special attention to as an immature adult are quite interesting. There are a number of audio and visual motifs in THX 1138 that followed George Lucas across his films. Take, for example, the control rooms in THX and compare them to the Death Star Control Room in Star Wars and Return of the Jedi. Another important bit of imagery that made its way into both films is the counting down of numbers. This brief moment of onscreen groping was likely the tamest interaction Here are a few movie references I recall: In Star Wars (A New Hope) the cell block in the Death Star that Leia is held in is cell block 1138. During the pre-release stream series former Stellaris game director Wiz was inspired by one of the fungoid portraits to create a very friendly but hideously ugly species called
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