Informazioni generali Questa è la pagina panoramica della webcam per Poreč in Istria, Croazia. Webcam Poreč Croatia. Poreč, Istria, Croatia Weather ... Webcams. Morning … Webcam en Direct. Im Temperaturverlauf ist die Schwankung farblich hinterlegt. Luftfeuchte: 94%. Leggi la notizia 'METEO-CALDO: week-end BOLLENTE, 40° a portata di mano...anche sulla tua regione? ' Meteo info. See live weather reports, wind speed & waves for kite- & windsurfing, sailing, fishing & hiking. Tlak zraka: 1007,1mb. It shows the current situation during the days. Petak 11.06. Historical weather data for 40 years back for any coordinate. Le temperature minime si aggirano intorno a 10 gradi. Select ski area. Segui la procedura guidata per configurare la homepage meteo Poreč . Summer lifts Lifts Ski circuits Slopes Ski map Weather-/Snow condition Webcam. 2. Appréciez le panorama que vous offre cette webcam et suivez l’évolution de la météo en direct avec la webcam POREč. Poreč Port. Windfinder è specializzata in misurazioni e previsioni su venti, onde, maree e meteo per sport connessi all'azione del vento come il kitesurf, windsurf, surf, la vela o il parapendio. Imminente PRIMA VERA ONDATA DI CALORE dell'Estate 2021 . Available statistical data might not be up to date. Eine stärkere Schwankung weist auf mehr Unsicherheit in der Wettervorhersage hin. Vivere Meteo Webcam Porec mostra porto della città. Webcam Poreč Croatia. La città croata di Parenzo è nei pressi di Rovigno e il centro urbano di più importante città costiera di Pula, sulla costa occidentale della penisola istriana e conta circa 18.000 abitanti. The camera is connected via network cable to the router. This webcam Poreč with the theme Harbors was added on May 8, 2005 and is operated by got 16273 visitors since then. Vlažnost: 94%. Statistiche annuali su vento e meteo per Poreč . Webcam en Direct; Vidéos time-lapse; Archives données; Partagez cette diabox. Urlaub Poreč - Istrien - Kroatien: Alle Informationen zu Reisen, Familienurlaub und Sommerurlaub in Poreč. Meteo Poreč, 25.05.2021. Live wind, rain and temperature maps, detailed forecast for your place, data from the best weather forecast models such as GFS, ICON, GEM Webcam Novigrad - Alter Hafen: Webcam Novigrad - Livecam. Rovinj - Panorama 14 km. More about ALADIN model can be found here and about ECMWF model here. Vergleich von Wettermodellen für Poreč Jedem Modell ist eine Farbe zugeordnet, die in allen Diagrammen verwendet wird. Meteo Webcam Porec Istria. Vous avez trouvé un problème? et financées par leurs partenaires : Puoi integrare statistiche del vento, previsioni e osservazioni aggiornate per la tua stazione meteo. Feature beautiful beaches and well prepared amenities and services, creating an ideal setting for active and fun camping holidays. Walkways follow the coast to either sides of the town, past numerous rocky and pebble beaches, some of which are near Plava Laguna properties. Novigrad - Porporela 12 km. Srijeda 09.06. Webcam Poreč Croatia. If this camera doesn't work or should the link be wrong please report that here.You can add this webcam here to myCams. Worldwide animated weather map, with easy to use layers and precise spot forecast. Vjetar: 6 km/h 99° E. For archive data… Current Wind: 6 km/h 99° E. - … Descrizione. Diese Webcam Poreč mit dem Thema Häfen wurde am 8.5.2005 eingetragen und wird von betrieben. Quindi, si sposta negli angoli più remoti del mondo. Weather radar, wind and waves forecast for kiters, surfers, paragliders, pilots, sailors and anyone else. Previsioni meteo Oggi Domani Dopodomani. hot: short sleeves, shirt or summer dress / shorts Check if it is currently sunny, rainy, cloudy or even snowing in Poreč Informazioni generali. Croatian Meteorological and Hydrological Service. Cerca. Tuesday 15.06.2021. Queste sono le previsioni di vento, onde e meteo di Superforecast per Poreč in Istria, Croazia. Wind: 6 km/h 99° E. - 5min Maximum: 11 km/h 83° E. Luftfeuchte: 94%. METEO Porec. Vous avez trouvé un problème? Segui la procedura guidata per configurare la homepage meteo Poreč . Buy webcam and weather station now! Četvrtak 10.06. Il pomeriggio si manifesta un cielo nuvoloso con debole pioggia. Četvrtak 10.06. Best of Poreč; Street food; Pianificazione del viaggio. Pubblicità. Temperatura: 21 °C ... Data di partenza. Th 17.6. Situation du site. More about ALADIN model can be found here and about ECMWF model here. Im Temperaturverlauf ist die Schwankung farblich hinterlegt. Temperatura: 21 °C ... Data di partenza. Bootshafen Hergiswil Source: Gemeindebootshafen Hergiswil. Queste sono le previsioni di vento, onde e meteo di Superforecast per Poreč in Istria, Croazia. Add this webcam to us. Informazioni generali Questa è la pagina panoramica della webcam per Poreč in Istria, Croazia. Novigrad - Veliki trg 11 km. Weather maps, UV Index, air pollution and historical data Vlažnost: 94%. Šibenik 7-day forecast. Météo ☀ ⛅ Poreč ☀ ⛅ Février ☀ ⛅ Informations sur la température, les heures d'ensoleillement, la température de l'eau et les précipitations en Février pour Poreč. Poreč sljedeća 3 dana Vremenske prilike i temperatura u °C. Thermal comfort Recommended clothes; exceptionally hot: you would be most comfortable without clothes: very hot: the less clothes – the better! Villanueva de la Cañada. 91 F Fair Houston, TX warning. They allow us to offer you the best possible experience. Descrizione. Četvrtak 10.06. Le temperature minime si aggirano intorno a 10 gradi. Novigrad - Veliki trg 11 km. Real Estate Sud Sardegna Vico Primo Mediterraneo -09010 Chia Tel: +39 0702140528 Un'indimenticabile vacanza formato famiglia a Parenzo. Beautiful beaches like Golden Bay, Xlendi and Marsalforn, colourful harbours like Marsaxlokk and Mġarr, and monuments located in urban settings like the Triton Fountain outside Valletta City Gate. Bureau of Meteorology web homepage provides the Australian community with access to weather forecasts, severe weather warnings, observations, flood information, marine and high seas forecasts and climate information. Check if it is currently sunny, rainy, cloudy or even snowing in Poreč Price: 735€ net + VAT. Precipitation: By the minute precipitation, storm tracker with rain and snow probability and amount in inches, mm or l/m². Weather Porec, Temperature, umidità, piogge, neve, clima, vento, inquinamento aria, pollini. Webcam. Assicurazione sanitaria. Walkways follow the coast to either sides of the town, past numerous rocky and pebble beaches, some of which are near Plava Laguna properties. Weather radar, wind and waves forecast for kiters, surfers, paragliders, pilots, sailors and anyone else. Umliegende Webcams Poreč Zu Favoriten hinzufügen Istrien , Kroatien , 45.23°N 13.6°O, Previsioni meteo Oggi Domani Dopodomani. Map showing webcams in Istria County - Croatia.Do you know of any other cameras from the Croatian region of Istria County? Monday 14.06.2021. Low temperatures at night will be around 6°C. Weather radar, wind and waves forecast for kiters, surfers, paragliders, pilots, sailors and anyone else. Es wurden %count% Einträge gefunden. Guide turistiche. Meteo e previsioni del tempo Croazia, bollettino meteo per i prossimi 5 giorni in Croazia. Allerta Meteo, il ciclone dell'Equinozio di Primavera si abbatte sull'Italia: tempesta in Sardegna, nel pomeriggio arriverà sul mar Tirreno provocando forte maltempo su tutto il Centro e il Sud Weather in Poreč, 24.04.2021. Previsioni meteo Oggi Domani Dopodomani. More about ALADIN model can be found here and about ECMWF model here. Thursday 17.06.2021. Cliccando sul pulsante "Salva", ... WorldCam declina ogni responsabilità per i commenti degli utenti contenuti sotto le webcam, nei post sul forum e su altri siti del portale. Weather Porec, Temperature, umidità, piogge, neve, clima, vento, inquinamento aria, pollini. Cliccando sul pulsante "Salva", ... WorldCam declina ogni responsabilità per i commenti degli utenti contenuti sotto le webcam, nei post sul forum e su altri siti del portale. Temperatura mora: 21,1°C. Temperatura: 22 °C ... Data di partenza. Smjer i brzina vjetra u m/s Monday 14.06.2021. Eine stärkere Schwankung weist auf mehr Unsicherheit in der Wettervorhersage hin. WEATHER FORECAST DATA. Webcam Poreč Croatia. Water temperature: 21,1°C. Worldwide animated weather map, with easy to use layers and precise spot forecast. During the day they will reach a maximum of 17 °C. Current webcams for Poreč. Temps Webcam Poreč (Istrien) Webcam Temps Poreč (Istrien): La livecam Poreč a pour sujet: Istrie. Rovinj - Panorama 14 km. Temperatura: 22 °C ... Data di partenza. Webcam Novigrad - Alter Hafen: Webcam Novigrad - Livecam. Meteo. Oborine u mm. maximum: 11 km/h 83° E ... Detaljni meteo podaci. With Weather WebCam Live, you can visit mountains, lakes, seas, plains, and cities with a simple touch! Webcam. Sollte die Webcam oder der Link dorthin defekt sein, melden Sie dieses bitte hier.Weiterhin haben Sie hier die Möglichkeit, diese Webcam zu myCams hinzuzufügen. Tonight Wed 06/09 Low 63 F. 12% Precip. Puoi integrare statistiche del vento, previsioni e osservazioni aggiornate per la tua stazione meteo. La mattina presto è in gran parte soleggiato con qualche nuvola con tendenza ad un tempo variabile con singoli rovesci in mattinata. Durante il giorno le temperature raggiungono valori massimi di 19 gradi. 1. Approfondimenti, news e analisi meteo su Meteolive. Our brands. Bitte Suche verfeinern. Poreč sljedeća 3 dana Vremenske prilike i temperatura u °C. Puoi integrare statistiche del vento, previsioni e osservazioni aggiornate per la tua stazione meteo. Luftdruck: 1007,1mb. METAR, TAF and NOTAMs for any airport in the World. Meteo Poreč, 28.05.2021. Vjetar: 6 km/h 99° E - 5min. Products include weather charts, satellite photos, radar pictures and climate maps. Informazioni generali. Beaches of Poreč. Vergleich von Wettermodellen für Poreč Jedem Modell ist eine Farbe zugeordnet, die in allen Diagrammen verwendet wird. Webcam Poreč Croatia. Bazilika Marina Riva Durante il giorno le temperature raggiungono valori massimi di 21 gradi. Temperature in aumento nel weekend, punte di 36°C. Meteo info. Alternative outdoor webcams with night vision, full HD and optical zoom are available on demand. Petak 11.06. Consultez nos prévisions météo détaillées locales et gratuites comprenant les températures minimales, maximales et ressenties à Poreč, le risque de pluie, la durée d'ensoleillement, et la qualité de l'air. Webcam; A weather station was available at this spot, but is not available anymore or currently not reporting any measurements. Wind: Wind direction and wind speed in mph, km/h or knots. Current webcams for Poreč. Al pomeriggio ci aspetta un tempo in gran parte soleggiato. Download Meteo WebCam Live ! Air-pressure: 1007,1mb. Forecast models ECMWF, GFS, NAM and NEMS Commenta. Lufttemperatur (4m oben See): 12,8°C. The webcam and weatherstation package comes preconfigured as a plug and play system. Bazilika Marina Riva 16.10.2020 9:17:06. Bürgenstock Villa Honegg Source: Hotel Villa Honegg. Latest generation webcams, with night vision function, give you a view of the great Aletsch glacier and the Jungfraujoch – Top of Europe from the glacier plateau and the east ridge of the Jungfrau! Commenta. Croatia with the official name of the Republic of Croatia is located on the Balkan Peninsula on the shores of the Adriatic Sea and on many islands in the Adriatic Sea. Temperature: in °F or °C for the current temperature, daily maximum and minimum and hourly forecasts. On Sunday we can expect mostly sunny weather. 16.10.2020 9:17:06 Lufttemperatur (4m oben See):12,8°C Luftfeuchte: 94% Luftdruck: 1007,1mb. Cerca. Al pomeriggio ci aspetta un tempo in gran parte soleggiato. Webcams from the holiday region Saas-Fee/Saastal. Forecast models ECMWF, GFS, NAM and … Sie wurde bisher 16281 mal angeklickt. Le previsioni per Croazia sempre aggiornate e affidabili, precipitazioni, temperature e vento in Croazia. 6-14 day hourly. Webcam en Direct; Vidéos time-lapse; Archives données; Partagez cette diabox. The camera is connected via network cable to the router. Statistiche basate su osservazioni prese fra 04/2002 - 08/2013. Take a look at the Engadin and individual locations and find out more about the current weather conditions via webcam. Croatia with the official name of the Republic of Croatia is located on the Balkan Peninsula on the shores of the Adriatic Sea and on many islands in the Adriatic Sea. Novigrad - Porporela 12 km. On Saturday we can expect mostly sunny weather. The webcam is situated on the top of the Wasserfallenbahn. 7-day forecast is a combined product of two numerical weather prediction model outputs: ALADIN and ECMWF, and can differ from other numerical weather prediction models, that is, from forecasts issued by human forecasters. Webcam Poreč Croatia. Nuvoloso. 16.10.2020 9:17:06. Il mondo intero in un unico luogo tramite le webcam. Current Wind: 6 km/h 99° E. - 5min. Statistiche basate su osservazioni prese fra 04/2002 - 08/2013. Četvrtak 10.06. Download_on_the_App_Store_Badge_US-UK_RGB_blk_4SVG_092917 Tlak zraka: 1007,1mb. Con il generatore di homepage meteo, puoi facilmente generare windfinder widget da piazzare nel tuo sito web o nel tuo blog. Luftdruck: 1007,1mb. METAR, TAF and NOTAMs for any airport in the World. 7-day forecast is a combined product of two numerical weather prediction model outputs: ALADIN and ECMWF, and can differ from other numerical weather prediction models, that is, from forecasts issued by human forecasters. This HD stream displays the harbour on the southern coast of Poreč towards the beautiful and largest island just off the coast - Otok Sveti Nikola. 10:13 Meteo domenica 6 giugno: instabile al centro-nord e parte del sud con piogge e rovesci ; 10:17 Meteo sabato 5 giugno: nubi in aumento da ovest con locali rovesci al centro-nord ; 09:07 Meteo venerdì 4 giugno: sole e stabilità su tutta Italia, isolati rovesci sulle Alpi ; 18:26 La NASA tornerà su Venere dopo 30 anni. Diese Grafik zeigt den 14 Tage-Wettertrend für Poreč (Istrien, Kroatien) mit Tages-Wettersymbol, minimalen und maximalen Temperaturen, Niederschlagsmengen und -Wahrscheinlichkeiten. Webcam Poreč Croatia. Es wurden %count% Einträge gefunden. Tweet. Previsioni meteo Oggi Domani Dopodomani. Commenta. Srijeda 09.06. Četvrtak 10.06. Cliccando sul pulsante "Salva", ... WorldCam declina ogni responsabilità per i commenti degli utenti contenuti sotto le webcam, nei post sul forum e su altri siti del portale. Tomorrow. Ulteriori informazioni. With this app, you can view the most Italian places, and view the weather in real time. Our webcams in the valley, villages and on the mountain deliver our region live to your office, or wherever … Watch live this delightful panorama of Poreč Port, in the Istrian Peninsula, Croatia. 76 F Cloudy Manhattan, NY. Meteo e Previsioni meteo con aggiornata allerta meteo per grandine e incendi.Dati meteo e modelli meteo ad alta risoluzione wrf,cfs,ww3 per meteo eolico, meteo fotovoltaico, protezione civile e relative mappe meteo. Windfinder è specializzata in misurazioni e previsioni su venti, onde, maree e meteo per sport connessi all'azione del vento come il kitesurf, windsurf, surf, la vela o il parapendio. Temp. Take control of your data. 7-day forecast is a combined product of two numerical weather prediction model outputs: ALADIN and ECMWF, and can differ from other numerical weather prediction models, that is, from forecasts issued by human forecasters. Novigrad - Karpinjan Spiaggia 12 km. Webcam Poreč Croatia. Potrai vedere in diretta, ciò … If this camera doesn't work or should the link be wrong please report that here.You can add this webcam here to myCams. Temperatura: 19 °C ... Data di partenza. Simple and fast and free weather API from OpenWeatherMap you have access to current weather data, hourly, 5- and 16-day forecasts. Venerdì mattina è generalmente soleggiato, con tendenza ad un cielo nuvoloso, ma quasi ovunque tempo asciutto a mezzogiorno. Statistics For statistical and historical real weather data see the wind and weather statistics for this location. Formalita doganali. Windfinder è specializzata in misurazioni e previsioni su venti, onde, maree e meteo per sport connessi all'azione del vento come il kitesurf, windsurf, surf, la vela o il parapendio. Water temperature: 21,1°C. Humidity: 94%. wind. Assicurazione sanitaria. With Weather WebCam Live, you can visit mountains, lakes, seas, plains, and cities with a simple touch! Meteo Poreč, 25.05.2021. Units We use knots and degrees Celsius as our … Products include weather charts, satellite photos, radar pictures and climate maps. Watch live this delightful panorama of Poreč Port, in the Istrian Peninsula, Croatia. Vous trouverez ici toutes les informations sur la météo de votre voyage à Poreč. Temperature (4m above sea): 12,8°C. Denaro. Webcams Malta, Gozo and Comino offer some wonderful views. Meteo Webcam Porec. Redazione 3BMeteo. PREVISIONI del tempo per Porec (Croazia), affidabili e sempre aggiornate. Compare our forecasts with observation data for the last days with our Short-term Verification for Poreč. Morning temperatures will be around 3 °C. More about ALADIN model can be found here and about ECMWF model here. PREVISIONI del tempo per Porec (Croazia), affidabili e sempre aggiornate. Date d'installation : 16/03/15; Ville : Morgat; Coordonnées GPS : Latitude : 48° 13' 32.52” N Longitude : 4° 29' 36.74” W; Location map by mapbox. Wireless. 7-day forecast is a combined product of two numerical weather prediction model outputs: ALADIN and ECMWF, and can differ from other numerical weather prediction models, that is, from forecasts issued by human forecasters. Wireless. D'ici 15 jours à Poreč météo - Prévisions Météo à 15 jours Poreč (Požeško-Slavonska Županija Croatie) ☀ Quel temps fera-t-il d'ici 2 semaines à Poreč ? Worldwide animated weather map, with easy to use layers and precise spot forecast. 6-14 day hourly. … Commenta. Netatmo uses cookies to ensure the proper functioning and security of our Sites. Tuesday 15.06.2021. Real Estate Sud Sardegna Vico Primo Mediterraneo -09010 Chia Tel: +39 0702140528 Statistiche annuali su vento e meteo per Poreč . METAR, TAF and NOTAMs for any airport in the World. SYNOP codes from weather stations and buoys. Buochs Airport Süd (Engelbergertal) Source: Airport Buochs. Webcams at New York City/Central Park are discoverable on a map for further exploration or a convenient list view sorted by distance up to 25 kilometers from this spot. Temperature (4m above sea): 12,8°C. La sera tardi porterà un cielo da limpido a poco nuvoloso. Humidity: 94%. 16.10.2020 9:17:06. Alternative outdoor webcams with night vision, full HD and optical zoom are available on demand. Webcams Live images from the Jungfrau Region: breathtaking panoramas of the Eiger, Mönch and Jungfrau from Kleine Scheidegg, Männlichen, Schynige Platte, Harder Kulm and Grindelwald-First. 7-day forecast is a combined product of two numerical weather prediction model outputs: ALADIN and ECMWF, and can differ from other numerical weather prediction models, that is, from forecasts issued by human forecasters. 16.10.2020 9:17:06 Lufttemperatur (4m oben See):12,8°C Luftfeuchte: 94% Luftdruck: 1007,1mb. The webcam and weatherstation package comes preconfigured as a plug and play system. Cliccando sul pulsante "Salva", ... WorldCam declina ogni responsabilità per i commenti degli utenti contenuti sotto le webcam, nei post sul forum e su altri siti del portale. Thermal comfort Recommended clothes; exceptionally hot: you would be most comfortable without clothes: very hot: the less clothes – the better! Vjetar: 6 km/h 99° E. Temperatura mora: 21,1°C. Srijeda 09.06. Meerestemperatur: 21,1°C. Last update: 15.06.2021. at 06:50. Vrsar - marina 6 km. SYNOP codes from weather stations and buoys. Webcam en Direct. Météo ☀ ⛅ Poreč ☀ ⛅ Février ☀ ⛅ Informations sur la température, les heures d'ensoleillement, la température de l'eau et les précipitations en Février pour Poreč. Das offizielle Tourismusportal des Tourismusverbandes der Stadt Poreč, alle Informationen über Hotels, Camps, Privatunterkunft Formalita doganali. Croatian Meteorological and Hydrological ServiceDHMZ. Last update: 15.06.2021. at 06:50. maximum: 11 km/h 83° E ... Detaljni meteo podaci. 10:13 Meteo domenica 6 giugno: instabile al centro-nord e parte del sud con piogge e rovesci ; 10:17 Meteo sabato 5 giugno: nubi in aumento da ovest con locali rovesci al centro-nord ; 09:07 Meteo venerdì 4 giugno: sole e stabilità su tutta Italia, isolati rovesci sulle Alpi ; 18:26 La NASA tornerà su Venere dopo 30 anni. L’immagine attuale di webcam disponibile sul sito web esterno. More about ALADIN model can be found here and about ECMWF model here. Created with Highcharts 7.2.2 °C mm Probability forecast for precipitation amount 80% prediction interval 50% prediction interval Temperature probability forecast Meteorologist's temperature forecast We 16.6. Vjetar: 6 km/h 99° E - 5min. Ces données vous sont fournies par le. Wednesday 16.06.2021. Webcam Wasserfallen. Wednesday 16.06.2021. Beaches of Poreč. Diese Grafik zeigt den 14 Tage-Wettertrend für Poreč (Istrien, Kroatien) mit Tages-Wettersymbol, minimalen und maximalen Temperaturen, Niederschlagsmengen und -Wahrscheinlichkeiten. maximum: 11 km/h … Commenta. Cerca. Petak 11.06. 83 F Fair Schiller Park, IL (60176) 80 F Partly Cloudy Boston, MA. Fotosegnalazione Di Gatteo A Mare. Previsioni Meteo per Luglio, ultime news e aggiornamenti in tempo reale: allerta, avvisi, tendenze, dati, mappe e dettagli Urlaub Poreč - Istrien - Kroatien: Alle Informationen zu Reisen, Familienurlaub und Sommerurlaub in Poreč. Lunedì mattina è in prevalenza nuvoloso, ma asciutto. 4. Temperatura zraka (4m iznad mora): 12,8°C. Situation du site. The latest weather and snow report provides accurate data. Il sistema dei visti della Repubblica di Croazia; Domande e risposte; Trasporto; Numeri telefonici utili; Wireless; Meteo info; Assicurazione sanitaria; Denaro; Guide turistiche; Parcheggio a Poreč-Parenzo; Formalita doganali; Un'indimenticabile vacanza formato famiglia a Parenzo; Webcam … Pubblicità. 16.10.2020 9:17:06 Temperatura zraka (4m iznad mora):12,8°C Vlažnost: 94% Tlak zraka: 1007,1mb. Novigrad - Mandrač 11 km. Das offizielle Tourismusportal des Tourismusverbandes der Stadt Poreč, alle Informationen über Hotels, Camps, Privatunterkunft hot: short sleeves, shirt or summer dress / shorts With this app, you can view the most Italian places, and view the weather in real time. Current Weather and Temperature Poreč Live Weather-Data Poreč at 16.06.2021 The current live Weather for Poreč is provided by netatmo. Oborine u mm. Chart graphic. Temperatura: 19 °C ... Data di partenza. Croatian Meteorological and Hydrological ServiceDHMZ. MAPPE e dettagli. Temp. Depending on the ski resort, up to 24 live cams provide information on the current weather and piste conditions. Compare our forecasts with observation data for the last days with our Short-term Verification for Poreč. You can enjoy these and other views streaming live 24 hours a day on our webcams… Temperatura zraka (4m iznad mora): 12,8°C. Il pomeriggio porterà un cielo in prevalenza sereno. Webcam Poreč Croatia. Poreč sljedeća 3 dana Vremenske prilike i temperatura u °C. Le temperature minime si aggirano intorno a 9 gradi. Also check the list of open pistes and lifts in the Dolomites valleys. Wind map with live wind radar & worldwide wind forecast. Webcam Toscana - Molino del Piano, Pontassieve, provincia di Firenze. Consultez nos prévisions météo détaillées locales et gratuites comprenant les températures minimales, maximales et ressenties à Poreč, le risque de pluie, la durée d'ensoleillement, et la qualité de l'air.
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