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Joah Reyna would be part of the u14 cycle for the 2007's and is not the best prospect. Jack Egan Reyna, 13, of Bedford, NY passed away on July 19th, 2012 after a 2 year battle with brain cancer. Joah needs to start playing up age groups more if we want to expect him to be in the u15 ynt this cycle and be a part of the 2023 u17 cycle. ... Claudio and Danielle, take care of his other siblings Joah-Mikel and Carolina. Na foto, os quatro irmãos da família Reyna (da esquerda para direita): Jack, Carolina, Joah-Mikel e Giovanni. Sharing happy times with his parents, siblings, extended family and special friends was so important to him. ... Seine Eltern, Claudio und Danielle Reyna, sind mit den beiden jüngeren Kindern, Joah-Mikel und Carolina in den USA geblieben. Jack was an amazing older brother to Giovanni(9), Joah-Mikel(5) and Carolina(2). Giovanni Reyna, son of Claudio, is making a case to play for the senior team this season. Insider Notes: U.S. Ja !, har han tilnavnet “ Captain America “. Giovanni Reyna ist dagegen gerade erst angekommen. Na noite em que seu irmão morreu, sua mãe revelou seu desabafo: “Nunca vou ser um bom jogador de futebol agora, porque meu irmão mais velho me ensinou tudo”. Giovanni Reyna is the star player and captain of the USA U-17 team currently competing at the FIFA U-17 World Cup 2019 in Brazil. That title belongs to Axel Perez by a country mile. Just as Christian Pulisic moved to Europe at age 15, another terrific 15 … Nachname „Reyna“? REYNA--Jack Egan. Na foto, os quatro irmãos da família Reyna (da esquerda para direita): Jack, Carolina, Joah-Mikel e Giovanni. La famiglia Reyna era composta da quattro figli: Jack, Giovanni, Joah-Mikel e Carolina. Prospect Giovanni Reyna Eyes Move to Europe in 2018. He is survived by his parents and his brothers, Gio, Joah-Mikel … As well as his parents, his 12-year-old brother Joah-Mikel and 10-year-old sister Carolina have also made the journey to support him. Born April 9, 1999 in Wolfsburg, Germany. Jack was born in Wolfsburg, Germany on April 9th, 1999 to Claudio and Danielle Reyna. Beloved son of Danielle and Claudio Reyna. A perda do irmão virou motivação para Giovanni. When chants of “USA! USA!” rang out around the Estadio Kleber Andrade for Giovanni’s first two matches, there is a good chance that the Reyna family were leading the chorus. Giovanni Reyna auf den Spuren seiner Eltern; Gesamte Familie ist vor Ort bei der U-17-WM in Brasilien; USA brauchen Sieg gegen Niederlande; Giovanni Reyna ist DER Starspieler und Kapitän des U.S.-amerikanischen U-17-Teams, das sich aktuell bei der FIFA U-17-Weltmeisterschaft 2019 in … Vår artikkel gir deg full dekning av Giovanni Reyna Childhood Story, Biografi, familiefakta, foreldre, tidlig liv, livsstil, personlig liv og andre bemerkelsesverdige hendelser helt fra han var barn til da han ble populær. Giovanni Reyna auf den Spuren seiner Eltern Gesamte Familie ist vor Ort bei der U-17-WM in Brasilien USA brauchen Sieg gegen Niederlande Giovanni Reyna ist DER Starspieler und Kapitän des U.S.-amerikanischen U-17-Teams, das sich aktuell bei der FIFA U-17-Weltmeisterschaft 2019 in Brasilien befindet.