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(195 кВт). seřiditelná sedadla. A new generation Audi A5 coupe was revealed in 2016, upping the ante with sharper looks, more technology and better performance. Audi A5, 3.0 TDI manuál,zachovalý vůz! From £69,955. Ďábelsky nespoutané. Audi A8 50 TDI 2017 UK review. Check specs, prices, performance and compare with similar cars. Audi A5 and S5 Coupé models were unveiled simultaneously in Salon International de l'Auto [2] and Melbourne International Motor Shows on March 6, 2007.. Read the definitive Audi A5 Cabriolet 2020 review from the expert What Car? With a fuel consumption of 5.9 litres/100km - 48 mpg UK - 40 mpg US (Average), 0 to 100 km/h (62mph) in 5.2 seconds, a maximum top speed of 155 mph (250 km/h), a curb weight of 3605 lbs (1635 kgs), the A5 (F5) 50 TDI quattro sport Tiptronic has a turbocharged V 6 cylinder engine, Diesel motor. ... 50 h ve vysílání na p... Další informace. A5/S5 Coupé. Nové S5 Sportback TDI. Nové Audi RS6 Avant. Find all the key specs about the Audi A5 Sportback from fuel efficiency and top speed, to running costs, dimensions data and lots more vyhřívané čelní sklo natáčecí světlomety el. ... audi A5 Sportback 2.0 TDI je prvenstveno komforno vozilo za vozače koji prelaze veliki broj kilometara na auto-putevima. 60 hk.. The design was based on Nuvolari quattro concept car. Objevte více. A5-ul marchează întoarcerea lui Audi la coupé-urile de dimensiuni medii, după modelul ce coupé de Audi 80 a fost scos din producție în 1996, - modelul 2 (B6/B7) de A4 având o variantă decapotabilă, fără să aibă o variantă coupé. Objevte více. Nové S5 Coupé TDI. Please DO NOT use the same Introduction text from the MODEL Review page, but rather paraphrase ideas relevant to grasp an overall scope of the vehicle. Check specs, prices, performance and compare with similar cars. 9. Read the definitive Audi A5 Cabriolet 2020 review from the expert What Car? Od 2009. godine se proizvodi A5 Cabriolet i A5 Sportback. The Audi A5 Sportback is comfortable – so long as you avoid the Sports suspension – and has a great range of engines, but alternatives are more fun to drive. Mrkněte na - online autobazar Audi A5, kde vyřešíte koupi i prodej vozu. Audi A5 je coupé njemačke marke Audi i proizvodi se od 2007. godine u Audijevim tvornicama u Ingolstadtu i Neckarsulmu.Predstavio se 6. ožujka 2007. na Ženevskom autosalonu.Cijene počinju kod 281.445 Kuna za 1.8 TFSI (siječanj 2008.). ... Audi A5 Cabriolet. team. Audi A5. Ordering of the A5 and S5 began on June 6, 2007 and the first delivery was made 11 months later. godine. ... Audi A5 na prodej – bazar, ojetá auta i předváděcí a nové vozy. A5 дебютувала з 3,2-літровим FSI V6 двигуном, потужністю 261 к.с. Use the following MODEL TEMPLATE as the foundation for the Autopedia's Model page: Start off with a brief Introduction to the particular MODEL. A5 запозичила ряд елементів від концепту Nuvolari quattro. team. Az Audi A5 a német Audi AG által készített 2+2 üléses alumínium karosszériás gran turismo.A típus kupé és kabrió változatban is készül, ez utóbbi vászontetős.Az autó formatervét Walter Da’ Silva spanyol származású formatervező jegyzi, az A5 is megkapta az általa kitalált „Singleframe”-hűtőmaszkot. ... . The Audi A5 Sportback is nicer to drive than the A4 saloon, but if you want a sporty feeling coupe you’re … The Audi A5 is a series of compact executive coupe cars produced by the German automobile manufacturer Audi since March 2007. Konfigurátor. Za njim su ubrzo uslijedili, Audi 50 i 1972. godine Audi 80, koji je u svojem životu doživio četiri generacije. Akční nabídky. Audi A5. Audi A5 Cabriolet (marts 2009 −) Audi S5 Cabriolet (marts 2009 −) Audi A5 Sportback (september 2009 −) Audi S5 Sportback (november 2009 −) Audi RS5 Coupé (april 2010 −) Audi RS5 Cabriolet (november 2012 −) Siden faceliftet i efteråret 2011 findes 3,0 TDI i to effekttrin (150 kW/204 hk og 180 kW/245 hk), hvor 2,7 TDI udgik.