), Evidence-based e-HRM? 3, 2012: 179-188. ,Shahid Beheshti University,دانشگاه شهید بهشتی,اعضاي هيات علمي,دانشجویان ... Financial and Resource Management Vice-presidency for Cultural and Social Affairs . Similarly, our programmes in Industrial Psychology and Human Resource Management are acknowledged by professional bodies. He graduated in economics from Bielefeld in 1992. Globalization and Corporate Elites in South Korea: Education and Career Mobility Guest Lecture by Jaok Kwon-Hein (Contemporary Issues of Korea) Around 40 established and emerging scholars discussed the state of the art and developed ideas for future research on global mobility. For example: Shuming Zhao and Juan Du, “Thirty-two Years of Development of Human Resource Management in China: Review and Prospects,” Human Resource Management Review. Impact of Culture on Human Interaction: Clash or Challenge? CV. The HRIS specialist: Resourcing the “right kind” of human capital. Oct 2006 – Oct 2007: Student Assistant at the Chair of Human Resource Management (Prof. Dr. Dirk Sliwka), University of Cologne CV. edited by Hede Helfrich Andrey V. Dakhin Erich Hölter Igor V. Arzhenovskiy Hede Helfrich, Andrey V. Dakhin, Erich Hölter, Igor V. Arzhenovskiy (Eds. ... UNESCO Chair for Human … Zu den Kernkompetenzen des Lehrstuhls gehören (internationales) Personalmanagement, interkulturelles Management und die Wirtschaft Asiens. 53 … ): Impact of Culture on Human Interaction: Clash or Challenge?, Hogrefe-Verlag, Göttingen 2008 Guido Friebel holds the Chair of Human Resource Management at Goethe University Frankfurt. Pramila Thapa obtained her master`s degree in Agriculture Economics at the University of Göttingen and University of Kassel with a focus on landscape ecology and natural resource management. Chair of Human Resources Management and Asian Business Platz der Göttinger Sieben 5 MZG 1.109 (Blauer Turm) 37073 Göttingen Phone +49 (0)551 39-20490 Fax +49 (0)551 39-20492 ffroese@uni-goettingen.de Consultation hour By appointment In Strohmeier, S., Diederichsen, A. Dr. Sonja Köke joined the chair in October 2016 as a research and teaching associate. Informationen zur Person * Anrede: Frau Herr * Vorname * Nachname * Telefon * Email * ... Göttingen. On the way to rigorous and relevant research, Proceedings of the 3rd European academic workshop on electronic human resource management (pp. Prior to joining FOR2432-Project C03 as a doctoral researcher, she worked in the Centre for Environmental and Agricultural Policy Research and Development. Nov 2007 - Jul 2011: Research Assistant at the Chair of Human Resource Management (Prof. Dr. Dorothea Alewell), University of Hamburg. After one year of consulting experience in the Moscow region, he entered the PhD programme of Université Libre de Bruxelles where he graduated in 1996. ... master’s programme in Development Economics in partnership with Göttingen University in Germany. Nov 2007 - Jul 2011: Research Assistant at the Chair of Human Resource Management (Prof. Dr. Dorothea Alewell), University of Hamburg. (Eds. Oct 2006 – Oct 2007: Student Assistant at the Chair of Human Resource Management (Prof. Dr. Dirk Sliwka), University of Cologne Chair of Human Resources Management and Asian Business Prof. Dr. Dr. Fabian J. Froese. Angesichts der gestiegenen politischen und wirtschaftlichen Bedeutung Asiens richtet sich der Fokus unseres Lehrstuhls neben Deutschland insbesondere auf China, Japan, Südkorea, Vietnam und Indonesien. Double space should be between entries. Personal: Zeitschrift für Human Resource Management, Band 43, Fachverlag der Verlagsgruppe Handelsblatt GmbH, Düsseldorf 1991, S. …