Winter Night Jazz Music - Stress relief - Relaxing Cafe Jazz Music For Sleep, Work, Study - Duration: 6:01:28. Film event by German Comic Con Dortmund and 3 others on Saturday, December 7 2019 with 5.3K people interested and 4.6K people going. The upcoming event will be held at Telford International Centre due to the overwhelming popularity. Lass uns das Comic- und Superhelden-Fandom feiern und die GERMAN COMIC CON gemeinsam zu etwas ganz Besonderem machen! Cafe Music BGM channel Recommended for you Here's a look back at Comic-Con International 2019, which was held July 18–21 (with Preview Night on July 17) at the San Diego Convention Center. Wales Comic Con is an event that was founded in North Wales, UK. Sei dabei und freu dich auf ein prall gefülltes Programm: Action und Unterhaltung mit den Stars auf der Bühne, Panels, Photo Shoots und Autogrammstunden. Wir waren live auf der Austria Comic Con 2019 in Wels vom 13.-14.April 2019 - Wir waren live auf der German Comic Con in Dortmund vom 1.-2.Dezember 2018 - Westfalenhallen - The award-winning event boasts a spectacular lineup of celebrity guests. Click on the links on the sidebar on the right or on the CCI dropdown menu above to explore last year's event, including our complete program schedule, the special guests list, and who exhibited at the show. will take place on 7-8 December 2019. WCC: Telford Takeover!