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You can post now and register later. Escape From Tarkov Shoreline Loot Run Guide. Complete guide of maps, including missions tips, key location, valuable loots, extractions (PMC/Scavs) and more. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. Loadout: The loadout which I took with me to Shoreline was just a M9A3 with PSO gzh rounds and scav backpack. The reason for this was so that I had a cheap loadout that if I died I wouldn’t be annoyed to lose. » Escape From Tarkov Shoreline Loot Run Guide. Disclosing all the Shoreline map key locations may take a while, so just be calm and patient. Here is a brief guide on where to go and where to look in order to find all the keys. Link to post Share on other sites. Interactive Maps for Escape From Tarkov. Followers 1. loot ... thanks for the map of the resort. Shoreline health resort loot Guide Sign in to follow this . The above map shows the most important locations on Shoreline, one of the maps in Escape from Tarkov.Thanks to our map, you will learn how to escape from this place - we have marked all the extraction points for PMC and SCAV characters. The Shoreline makes up a large part of the outskirts of Tarkov and is located next to the Port. The fourth map in the Escape from Tarkov game hides a series of secrets. by Supertroff. The area houses a partially abandoned village, modern private housing, agricultural fields , long stretches of beach, a boating facility, gas station, weather station, and cellular tower as well as other commercial facilities. if you need help finding the keys here you go Quote; Share this post. Scalable maps rich in detail, ideal for veterans and beginners in the game. Custom tactical maps with all exits, loot, keys & weapon spawns marked out. Since Shoreline is the second biggest map in Escape From Tarkov, it goes without saying that there are a plethora of different locations that players can explore. From the Azure Coast Holiday Resort that has been long abandoned, multiple villas, various tiny islands, and well-hidden bunkers, all … Join the conversation.