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Final Fantasy VII Remake was divided into a number of smaller parts that will be sold as separately. Such is the development timeline of Final Fantasy VII Remake, that Square Enix has reiterated that the game will still be split up into multiple episodes, as seen in the tweet below. Square Enix a annoncé que le remake de Final Fantasy VII, attendu d'abord sur PlayStation 4, serait proposé en plusieurs parties.. Selon l'éditeur nippon, le remake de FF7 sera « raconté à travers plusieurs épisodes, chacun proposant sa propre et unique expérience. Final Fantasy VII [Remake] Episodes. Ahead of whatever Square Enix shows at E3 this year, lots of questions remain regarding its remake of Final Fantasy VII.Since being announced at E3 2015, details and updates have been scant. Edit: Thanks for the fast answering but that's really not nice :/ if they would at least give ppl who bought the last episode a discount but guess not. To put it more simply will every Episode cost 70€? 35 comments. Final Fantasy VII Remake's episodes will each be the size of a full-scale game, on par with installments of the Final Fantasy XIII sub-series. Each of these episodes contains a fragment of the story of the original game. Final Fantasy VII: Remake is still a long ways off, and there's no guarantee the game will even be shown off this year let alone shipped. Thanks to this, the developers can expand the plot by adding new characters. Does somebody know something about the Episode Pricing? There had previously been some confusion over the announcement that the game will be a multi-part series, with some asking whether it would take the form of something like Telltale's 2-3 hour episodes. The joy people felt when Square Enix announced that it was finally developing a remake of Final Fantasy VII was offset when it was revealed that the game would be broken up into episodes.