Learn about working at Frankfurt School of Finance and Management. Aus den ursprünglich neun deutschen Hochschulteams, die im November den Wettbewerb angetreten hatten, setzte sich das 5-köpfige Team der Frankfurt School of Finance and Management durch. Knowing German does not help a lot in immigration. Even if you were only the first thing will count. As a participant of our “Certified Expert in Agricultural Finance” e-learning course, we offer you an exclusive 30% discount* for the Agriculture Finance Track of our Inclusive Finance Summer Academy (July 6th - 10th 2020). CFA Institute is a global association of investment professionals. Frankfurt School has maintained its position as the only German business school to place in the entire ranking. Frankly you are non EU. Februar 2016 – Mit dem Finale in Frankfurt ging gestern die Vorrunde der zum sechsten Mal in Deutschland stattfindenden CFA Institute Research Challenge zu Ende. Learn about Chartered Financial Analyst Program, CIPMs and the Investment Foundations Certificate for a career in investment management. The Frankfurt School respects your privacy Our websites use various cookies with different functions. Then you are not a German speaker. These, on the one hand, serve solely technical functions and, on the other hand, also the optimisation of the websites, interaction with social media as well as user … Unline some small companies betting on CFA to make a few extra bucks, Top Finance and Stalla have entered a successful partnership with the German CFA Society and Frankfurt School of Finance and Management and has constantly and throughout the years improved the quality of its study materials for all CFA levels. Join LinkedIn today for free. Frankfurt School of Finance & Management Adickesallee 32-34 60322 Frankfurt am Main +33 (0) 1 87 24 01 50 germany@top-finance.net Course: CFA Level III Intensive Review Week Frankfurt School of Finance & Management placed 28th in the Financial Times Global Masters in Finance Pre-Experience Ranking 2017.