Frankfurt School of Finance & Management features one of Germany’s largest business administration faculties. I applied online. Course location Frankfurt am Main Description/content. Die Bewerbung erfolgte per E-Mail an die Geschäftsführung der FSFS. If you have any important concerns, please contact the respective staff member directly or send an e-mail to Ms. Bajrektarevic in the secretariat. All the professors from Goethe University and the buddies are so nice and responsible. [23/01/20] Its professors work hand in hand with policy-makers and executives to offer tailor-made solutions to topical questions. The Graduate School of Economics, Finance, and Management (GSEFM) is a premier European centre for quantitative and research-oriented graduate-level education founded by Goethe University Frankfurt, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, and Technische Universität Darmstadt. Frankfurt School of Finance & Management is a leading private business school based in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Interview. Due to the current situation regarding the corona virus, all members of the Chair of e-Finance will work in the home office for the next few weeks. With it, you set the course for your career. I interviewed at Frankfurt School of Finance and Management. Erfahre mehr über die Law School bei TalentRocket. Lying on the lawn and enjoying the sunshine in Frankfurt during the noon break was fantastic! Auf die telefonische Rückfrage zum Stand der Bewerbung erhielt ich keine Auskunft am Telefon, keine Weiterleitung zur Fachabteilung, sowie keine Rückmeldung zu dem Telefonat. Deciding what and where to study for a first degree is a crucial decision. The Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Business Administration at Frankfurt School of Finance & Management is a programme that helps you get started with your career. Its professors work hand in hand with policy-makers and executives to offer tailor-made solutions to topical questions. The Frankfurt School of Finance & Management features one of Germany’s largest business administration faculties. The Brexit creates new opportunities for Frankfurt am Main and the Rhine-Neckar Region and the large banking houses in London have to realign themselves. Taking part in Frankfurt Summer School was one of the best times of my life. Furthermore, the banking and finance sector has undergone constant change since fintechs and cross-border payments have shaken up the traditional structures of the capital markets. Die Frankfurt School of Finance bietet anspruchsvolle Studien- und Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten in verschiedenen Programmbereichen.