German literature in modern times was slower in attaining distinction than either English or French literature. The achievements and contributions of German-Americans have had a profound effect on making the United States the country it is today. German immigrants have flavoured American culture like cinnamon in an Apfelkuchen. Today, people are celebrating German heritage and culture in all 50 states. German-style Oktoberfest celebrations take place all throughout the country – and Americans join in. America gained independence from Britain in 1776 and began a path to determining and developing a unique cultural heritage. Famous for their practical skills, thrift, hard work, interest in the arts, and enjoyment of good living they have left their mark indelibly on American culture and life. German Influence on American Culture(ATESTAT ENGLEZA) - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. The religious wars in the wake of the Reformation culminating in the destructive Thirty Years' War put German culture and intellectual life definitely behind that of the Western nations. Native Americans in German popular culture are largely portrayed in a romanticised, idealized, and fantasy-based manner, that relies on historicised stereotypical depictions of Plains Indians, rather than the contemporary realities facing the real, and diverse, Indigenous peoples of the Americas.Sources written by German people are also prioritised over those by Native American peoples themselves. Historically, the German culture has been influenced by great minds and intellectuals that led to the nation earning the description of a nation full of poets and thinkers. In 2010, a German-American congressional caucus was created. The culture of the Native Americans is also a strong influence on the American way of life. German Food in the United States The German influence on American food is largely hidden, mostly because it has gone on for so long. The American culture is unique in that it draws from most of the world's dominant cultures. Germany has an extensive culture that spans among almost all of the nations that speak German. Of all published articles, the following were the most read within the past 12 months In these days citizen of Wisconsin thinks of German culture, many would think of the mass celebrations that are put on around the state. Some German contributions to U.S. life are easy to pinpoint--sauerkraut, for example, or the tuba, or the national fondness for light, fizzy beer. As Germans became one of the predominant immigrant groups of the 19th century, it was only natural that they would come to have a powerful influence over the development of American culture. One example of a significant German influence on life in the United States regards the U.S. educational system. Here is a brief overview of American holidays, food, clothing and more. What they are getting from these celebrations is a small perspective of German influence on this state. German culture has cultivated a strong commitment to education, by advocating for universal education and public school programs, which was not common prior.