History. SUPERNOVA will take you on a fantastic journey from earth to a distant galaxy full of awesome settings and equally mind-blowing moments. Holiday on Ice will therefore not be able to perform its show "SUPERNOVA" until this date. Die energiegeladene Eisshow SUPERNOVA nimmt sein Publikum in spektakulären Settings mit auf eine Abenteuerreise von der Erde zu den Sternen. It was the brainchild of Emery Gilbert of Toledo, Ohio, an engineer and builder who created a portable ice rink.He took his idea of a traveling show to Morris Chalfen, a Minneapolis executive, who supplied the financing, and George Tyson, who used his theatrical background to create the show. Halle Tony Garnier à Lyon. CEO van HOLIDAY ON ICE en producer van SUPERNOVA Peter O’Keeffe over de nieuwe show: “SUPERNOVA is een schoolvoorbeeld van ons streven om het publiek te verrassen. Sedaris is named by Time as America’s Favorite Humorist and was named by The Economist as one of the funniest writers alive. Holiday on ice "Supernova" Samedi 25/04/20 à 17h30. Doch ein plötzlich auftretender gigantischer … In order to prevent the spread of the covid-19 virus, the government has banned "any gathering involving more than 1000 people on the national territory until April 15, 2020". HOLIDAY ON ICE hebt ab! Wij willen de bezoekers een onvergetelijke ervaring voorschotelen door acts van ’s werelds beste performers te combineren met de nieuwste technische mogelijkheden. Master class ice entertainment: The new show "Supernova" be seen between 12 and 15 December at the TUI Arena in Hanover. Holiday on Ice: Supernova. Holidays on Ice is great right down to the cover which features an alcoholic beverage with ice in in it (adorable and much like my family's holidays). It features Christmas themed stories some his holiday experiences, others just featuring his talent as a writer. Santa land Diaries is the first essay and it is the star of this show. Chaque année, Holiday On Ice vous transporte au cœur d’une nouvelle aventure sur glace. Holidays on Ice is a 1997 collection of essays about Christmas, some new and some previously published, by David Sedaris. Holiday on Ice originated in the United States in december 1942. Die Geschichte beginnt mit einem farbenprächtigen Winterfest im ewigen Eis, zu Ehren aller himmlischen Elemente mit bezauberndem Eistanz und anmutigen Choreografien. dimanche 26/04/20 à 11h.