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Großhansdorf is the terminus station on the Großhansdorf branch of Hamburg U-Bahn line U1. Großhansdorf is a municipality in the German state of Schleswig-Holstein. The U1 is a line of the Hamburg U-Bahn which has a length of 55.383 kilometres (34.41 mi). The rapid transit station was opened in 1921 and is located in the Hamburg suburb of Großhansdorf, Germany. From 1960 to 1963 the line was built through the city center to Wandsbek-Gartenstadt, which completed the U1 line, connecting the branch to Volksdorf. (6.10.2018) Ein paar Aufnahmen von den Resten der 1914 fertiggestellten, aber nie in Betrieb gegangenen Endhaltestelle "Beimoor" der Linie U1 der Hamburger Hochbahn. The railway station was built according to a design by Eugen Göbel around 1915. It serves 47 stations. The line opened in 1914. In 1969 and 1996 the Langenhorn railway was extended to Garstedt and Norderstedt Mitte, using existing or re-built stations of the Alster Northern Railway , which is today part of the AKN network. DT4.5 fährt zur Endstation Großhansdorf, DT4.5 goes to final station Großhansdorf The station was opened in June 1922, and is located in the Hamburg suburb of Großhansdorf, Germany.. History. Kiekut is a station on the Großhansdorf branch of Hamburg U-Bahn line U1. It starts in Norderstedt Mitte and leads via the city center at Hauptbahnhof Süd to Volksdorf where it divides in two branches, leading to Ohlstedt and Großhansdorf. Über Fahrpläne, Tarife, Beförderungsbedingungen und beteiligte Unternehmen wird informiert, aktuelle Informationen sind abrufbar.