The Virgin of the Rocks (Italian: Vergine delle rocce; sometimes the Madonna of the Rocks) is the name of two paintings by Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci, of the same subject, and of a composition which is identical except for several significant details.The version generally considered the prime version, the earlier of the two, is unrestored and hangs in The Louvre in Paris. Visitors line up outside the Louvre Museum in Paris to enter the Leonardo da Vinci exhibition marking the 500th anniversary of the Italian Renaissance artist’s death. The blockbuster exhibit, “Leonardo da Vinci,” opened at the Louvre last month, the product of a decade of work and as much international diplomacy as … In celebration of the 500 year anniversary of Leonardo Da Vinci’s death, the museum is changing things up, requiring all guests of the fall exhibition to obtain tickets in advance. A new Louvre exhibit marking the 500th anniversary of Leonardo Da VInci's death tries to sketch out a complete picture of the artist and thinker. With the largest collection of Leonardo Da Vinci's work ever shown, the Louvre… Aside from Monalisa, here are other 5 Leonardo Da Vinci paintings inside the Louvre Museum in Paris: Bacchus, St. John the Baptist, Monalisa, Virgin of the Rocks, The Virgin with Child and St Anne, and Portrait of the Unknown Woman. The Louvre spent a decade cajoling museums to lend their da Vincis for their show. Relive the story of Da Vinci Code, Dan Brown's novel adapted for film, find the works of Leonardo da Vinci and other artists exhibited at the Louvre Museum in Paris and cited in the novel and the book. The show in question is a Leonardo da Vinci retrospective at the Louvre in Paris that’s being held to mark the 500th anniversary of the Renaissance artist’s death. If you’re planning on visiting the Louvre this fall, it’s a good thing you’re here. The Da Vinci Code: 10 key works at the Louvre. Due to the large number of people expected to visit, reservations are obligatory, including the 40% of visitors who attend the museum for free. Leonardo da Vinci, Maestro of Change, Shines at the Louvre The marvelous survey of 160 works, including paintings, drawings and notebooks, shows the great artist’s hand and mind in … One painting usually hangs in the Louvre, Paris, and the other in the National Gallery, London. If you hope to visit the Leonardo da Vinci exhibition at the Louvre in Paris, which opened 24 October, you will have to book a timed ticket in advance. The Virgin of the Rocks (sometimes The Madonna of the Rocks) is the name used for two Leonardo da Vinci's paintings, of the same subject, and of a composition which is identical except for two significant details.