Convert pace to speed, and speed to pace both mile and km. Step on a treadmill however, how do you key in your speed? Convert a running pace in minutes per mile to minutes per kilometre. Brian Cariaga. Our goal is to provide the highest quality ingredients that help you maximize your performance, stay healthy, and recover faster. Usually, training schedules show running speed as minutes per mile, or mins per km. If you enter pace or speed in a following box, and you click "calculate" button, then it convert to another. Hours . The table s below show s finishing times for common track training distances between 100 metres and 1600 metres for running paces from 4 minutes per kilometre to 5 minutes per kilometre. Now let's move on how to improve the pace over distance!!! You can also go to the universal conversion page. mph, kph? 5:00/km as 5k race pace is definitely well above average for female runners, especially given that you have been training for only 1.5 years. Popular Track Training Distances. Follow these steps to see how: Divide 60 by whatever miles per hour the treadmill displays. Minutes/mile For your convenience: 5K = 3.106856M 7K = 4.3495984M 8K = 4.9709696M 10K = 6.213712M. The running Pace Converter will also show you your running pace in kilometers per hour (km/hr) and miles per hour (miles/hr). Linking BPM to Running Speed . Seconds . (Find more pace charts based on minutes per mile or minutes per kilometer.) Popular Track Training Distances. For example, if the treadmill says you’re running 7.1 miles per hour, divide 60 […] This is a conversion chart for minutes per kilometer (Pace (Various Sports)). Choose "Calculate Time" in the calculator above; Enter 13.1 miles for your distance 2. On this page, you can convert between pace in minutes per mile and speed in miles per hour and vice-versa. 2: Enter the value you want to convert (minutes per kilometer). Conversion Factor: 1 mi = 0.621371192237334 km Example: It takes 12 minutes to run a mile Minutes Per Kilometer (Pace (Various Sports)) to Kilometer Per Minute (Metric) Kilometers per hour, miles per minute or seconds per mile? Related Questions . In order to finish a marathon in 4 hours, your average pace needs to be 9 min, 9.62 sec per mile, or 9:9.62 minutes per mile. Our online tools will provide quick answers to your calculation and conversion needs. How many miles per hour to run 7 min km? How to work out which BPM to choose: The run2rhythm program is essentially coupling running cadence to music. Wiki User December 22, 2010 12:38AM. Example Calculation 2: How long will it take me to run a half marathon if my average pace is 10 minutes, 30 seconds per mile? Calculate in how many minutes you run a kilometre converted from a minutes per mile speed. We've created a run pace converter chart below that converts all these units and also shows how they relate to … ↑ jump up to table s for common road distances ↑. The table s below show s finishing times for common track training distances between 100 metres and 1600 metres for running paces from 5 minutes per kilometre to 6 minutes per kilometre. Calculating minutes per mile is the same as calculating miles per hour, except in this case the time factor is on top in the equation. Provided courtesy of the Cal Coast Track Club. Calculate in how many minutes you run a mile converted from a minutes per kilometre speed. Then click the Convert Me button. Run Fit Nutrition® is the first supplement brand specifically engineered for runners. Conversion Factor: 1 km = 1.609344 mi Example: It takes 7 minutes to run a kilometre Distance in miles . If you use a treadmill as part of your marathon training, you may need a formula to convert miles per hour to minutes per mile. Minutes . So if I'm supposed to run a marathon with a pace of 7:49min/mile how to I change that to min/km? That would be 5.33 miles per hour. Convert a running pace of minutes per kilometre to minutes per mile. To switch the unit simply find the one you want on the page and click it. This calculator convert pace and speed in the unit of mile, and km. If you use a treadmill as part of your marathon training, you may need a formula to convert miles per hour to minutes per mile. Convert these and other units. There are calculators online that will do this for me, but I want to know how to do it for myself. Congratulations, you are doing a good job. ↑ jump up to table s for common road distances ↑. If you run 1mile in 7 minutes, you run 8.5miles in 1 hour, and run 1km in 4 minutes 20 seconds. Answer. Use this running pace converter to convert your running pace from minutes per kilometer (min/km) to minutes per mile (min/mile) or from minutes per mile (min/mi) back to minutes per kilometer (min/km). With running, very few people can sustain a steady rhythmic pace over an extended period. Use fractions to calculate minutes per mile … So, I'm given a pace I'm supposed to run a distance in, in this case a marathon (26.2 miles or 42.2km). Follow these steps to see how: Divide 60 by whatever miles per hour the treadmill displays.