Transcript of Records Name der/des Studierenden Name of Student Geburtsname Name of birth Geburtsdatum und –ort Date and place of birth Geschlecht Sex Heimathochschule Home University Matrikelnummer Matriculation number Abschluss University degree Titel der Veranstaltung Lehrende/LehrenderSemester Note UNI-LEIPZIG. You can access your transcript of records via Basis. (Online via AlmaWeb and a printed, signed copy) Certificate of final secondary school qualifica-tion 1 (e.g. Talstraße 33, 04103 Leipzig Masterbewerbung.LW(at) RECEIVING INSTITUTION'S TRANSCRIPT OF RECORDS DATENABSCHRIFT DER GASTHOCHSCHULE THE STUDENT DER/ DIE STUDIERENDE Surname, First Name (Nachname, Vorname) Date of Birth (Geburtstag) Matriculation Number (Matrikelnummer) Study Programme (Studiengang) Sending Institution (Heimathochschule) Period of the Mobility (Mobilitätszeitraum) Grimmaische Straße 12, 04109 Leipzig Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) Board of Examination Faculty of Economics and Management Grimmaische Straße 12, 04109 Leipzig Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) Transcript of Records from the degree acquired at Leipzig University . Transcript of Records Name der/des Studierenden Name of Student Geburtsname Name of birth Geburtsdatum und –ort Date and place of birth Geschlecht Sex Heimathochschule Home University Matrikelnummer Matriculation number Abschluss University degree Titel der Veranstaltung Lehrende/LehrenderSemester Note We will ask you to give a 10 minute presentation about an anthropological topic of your choice and then have an informal discussion about your desire to study at Leipzig. Certified copies and translations uni-assist universities have shared standards on official certification and certified translation.This section will tell you what to keep in mind. RECEIVING INSTITUTION'S TRANSCRIPT OF RECORDS DATENABSCHRIFT DER GASTHOCHSCHULE THE STUDENT DER/ DIE STUDIERENDE. 2. Examination Committee Physics/Meteorology. – Bachelor of Economics and – Bachelor of Economics and Management Transcript of Records Click on "My functions" and then "Exams Extract". The taught part of the PhD programme lasts six semesters / three years. You can access your transcript of records via Basis. Hier erfahren Sie mehr über die Möglichkeiten eines Auslandsaufenthaltes, welche Angebote und Voraussetzungen es gibt und was Sie beachten müssen. We will sent the transcript of records to your university and your home address as soon as the grades are available. Online application (AlmaWeb) . B – Procedure with a foreign university degree Step 1 – applying via uni-assist e.V. The curriculum includes the participation in foundational courses introducing the research agenda and relating it to the individual PhD projects, interdisciplinary research seminars and doctoral colloquia as well as working groups. Click on your degree, then click on the info box next to "Master of Computer Science 2007". The structure of the transcript of records is a bit unwieldy, but mostly self-explaining. If you have any questions in this regard, please turn also to If you live outside Leipzig the exam may be held via phone or Skype. – Bachelor of Economics and Management Transcript of Records to Name/ First Name (Vor-/ Zunamen) Date of birth (Geburtstag) Matriculation Number (Matrikelnummer) Study Programme (Studiengang) Sending Institution (Heimathochschule) Period of the Mobility (Mobilitätszeitraum) If you would like to speak to other students from the degree program, the members of the Student Council are happy to help you in all practical matters of studying at the Institute. ... to the following
or an informal letter (use the letter box outside the Studienbüro or hand in applications personally during the office hours). bachelor, diploma) Transcript of Records detailing courses and credits completed in Germany 2