Knowing that December days are short it's impossible to rise early when its still dark so basically its a 9am-4pm thing including train trip which for obvious reasons should not be longer than an hour each way . Christ for all Nations Europe … 1, 60320 Frankfurt am Main. Kirchort Herz-Jesu Eckenheim Eckenheimerlandstrasse 326 . Centrul creştin român – Frankfurt An der Wolfsweide 54 60435 Frankfurt am Main Wenn Sie per E-Mail mit der Evangelischen Festeburggemeinde Kontakt aufnehmen wollen, weisen wir Sie darauf hin, dass Ihre E-Mailadresse der Evangelischen Festeburggemeinde bekannt wird und ggf. Seminary and Institute - Europe Area Porthstrasse 5-7 . Kirche Jesu Christi der Heiligen der Letzten Tage - Deutschland Porthstraße 5-7 . Visiting Frankfurt this coming December for 5 days , mainly to enjoy Xmas market but interested as well to jump on a train and visit smaller villages by the day . zum Zwecke der Bearbeitung Ihrer individuellen Anfrage gespeichert wird. We seek to be a community of love and acceptance as we grow in our knowledge of God together and live to make Him known. Weihnachtsmarkt Frankfurt-Höchst Dates: First Advent Weekend We are an international, bi-lingual (English and German), charismatic, Christian church in Frankfurt, Germany. Kadampa Meditationszentrum Frankfurt Adolf-Leweke-Str. We are an international, bi-lingual (English and German), charismatic, Christian church in Frankfurt, Germany. An der Wolfsweide 54-58 . Phone, adress, opening hours for Svenska kyrkan Frankfurt am Main, Religious Organization, Frankfurt 19 . When it was consecrated in May 1970, one could also celebrate the foundation of the Festeburg Concerts, which have continued to set important musical accents in Frankfurt's music life for more than 30 years. Address: An der Wolfsweide 54, 60435 Frankfurt am Main. Finnischer Weihnachtsbasar (Finnish Christmas Bazaar) Date: First Advent Weekend Opening Hours: 30.11.2019 from 10am-6pm, 1.12.2019 from 11am-4pm Address: Carl-Goerdeler-Str. Evangelische Kreuzgemeinde Frankfurt am Main Weinstraße 37 .