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Erste Änderung ; für Studierende, die ihr Studium vor dem Sommersemester 2017 begonnen haben: Akkordeon • Erste Änderung • Zweite Änderung Der Studiengang Bachelor of Arts in Music, Schwerpunkt Komposition umfasst eine Regelstudiendauer von drei Jahren (180 ECTS-Punkte). Bachelor´s Programme Education in Composition and Music Theory The Welcome Center provides information for prospective students and university applicants Course Number: Study in Germany › Faculties › Arts, Design and Music › Musical sciences › Komposition › Musik-HS Lübeck Continue reading for more information about what you can do with a bachelor's degree in music. Karlheinz Stockhausen and the genesis of electronic music - - Term Paper - American Studies - Miscellaneous - Publish your bachelor's or master's thesis, dissertation, term paper or essay Bachelor of Music. Wer Komposition studiert, möchte originär Musik schaffen und entscheidet sich damit zugleich in den allermeisten Fällen für eine freiberufliche Tätigkeit. Er ist in zwei Modulbereiche unterteilt: Kernbereich und Individueller Bereich. Integrative Komposition - Bachelor of Music. The Computer Music Center. Because many jobs in the music industry rely on fluctuating arts funding, career growth for the field as a whole is difficult to determine. People who create new compositions are called composers. However, the Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that some music jobs, like choreographer, will grow as much as 24% due to an increasing popularity in dance schools. Menü. In contrast to many other American graduate programs in music, composition and theory are closely interwoven at Columbia. für Studierende, die ihr Studium im Sommersemester 2017 oder in einem der darauffolgenden Semester begonnen haben: Fachprüfungsordnung für alle Fächer im Bachelor of Music. Musical composition, music composition, or simply composition, can refer to an original piece or work of music, either vocal or instrumental, the structure of a musical piece, or to the process of creating or writing a new piece of music.