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Bard College Berlin gGmbH . The internship provides students with the chance to contribute to an organization’s or individual’s work. A German language intensive is held during the January intersession. Bard College Berlin (formerly known as ECLA or European College of Liberal Arts) is a private, non-profit institution of higher education in Berlin, Germany. It offers German and US BA degrees in Economics, Politics, and Social Thought, and in the Humanities, Arts, and Social Thought. Bard College Berlin was founded with the aim of returning small-group seminar teaching and interdisciplinary undergraduate education in the liberal arts to the highest levels of the European university context where it first originated. shall mean Bard College Berlin, A Liberal Arts University. It was founded as a non-profit association in 1999. Find the latest world rank for Bard College Berlin A Liberal Arts University and key information for prospective students.. Under Bard, the BCB curriculum has expanded to include the Arts and Society Program, Liberal Arts Berlin, and Begin in Berlin study abroad programs, as well as summer intensives in theater and studio arts. shall mean Bard College Berlin, A Liberal Arts University gGmbH, a not for profit limited liability company established under German law and registered in the commercial register at the local court of Berlin-Charlottenburg, Germany, Bard College Berlin, A Liberal Arts University Bard College Berlin is a German-American university with intensive, transdisciplinary education in the humanities and social sciences. Bard College Berlin offers advanced students the opportunity to gain practical experience alongside their studies by completing an optional internship and internship course. The college is, according to Martha Nussbaum, one of the educational institutions in Europe that makes the liberal arts idea into reality. Bard College Berlin's BA degree program in Humanities, the Arts, and Social Thought provides a thorough training in the fields of the humanities with a focus on the social and natural sciences, and the practicing arts. The student body is highly international and diverse in terms of geography, culture, class, and economic background and meets with faculty in small seminars taught in English. Bard College Berlin is a private German-American nonprofit university.