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In a recent discussion, I said that I preferred a painting, attributed to Leonardo, which is … La Belle Ferronière. Although the model of the painting La Belle Ferronniere is still shrouded in mystery, the landmark exhibition "Leonardo Da Vinci: Painter at the Court of Milan" (National Gallery, London, 9 Nov. 2011 – 5 Feb. 2012) listed the portrait as possibly depicting Beatrice d'Este, wife of Ludovico Sforza. Gemälde von Leonardo da Vinci Madame Féron , genannt La Belle Ferronière , (* 1500 ; † um 1530 oder 1540 [1] ) war die Mätresse des französischen Königs Franz I. One of the largest collections of paintings online. Il Ritratto di Dama (noto anche tradizionalmente come Belle Ferronnière) è un dipinto a olio su tavola (63x45 cm) di Leonardo da Vinci, databile al 1490-1495 circa ed è conservato nel Musée du Louvre di Parigi, attualmente in prestito al museo Louvre Abu Dhabi ad Abu Dhabi La cosiddetta “Belle Ferronnière” è uno dei ritratti più famosi e belli di Leonardo da Vinci. Leonardo da Vinci, La Gioconda, 1503-1506, oil on poplar panel, 73 x 53 cm, Musée du Louvre, Paris, France This is possibly the most recognisable painting in the history of art. In questo articolo cerchiamo di scrutare l'impenetrabile sguardo della meravigliosa dama e proviamo a domandarci chi potesse essere. It is also known as Portrait of an Unknown Woman. Page of La belle Ferronière by LEONARDO da Vinci in the Web Gallery of Art, a searchable image collection and database of European painting, sculpture and architecture (200-1900) LEONARDO da Vinci (b. A painting by a follower of Leonardo da Vinci, which was once thought to be done by the Renaissance master himself, sold at auction for $1.5 million, three tmes its estimate price. Learn more about Portrait of a Lady called La Belle Ferronniere 1490-95 Leonardo Da Vinci - oil artwork, painted by one of the most celebrated masters in the history of art. Large, high-quality images. Duveen was in London when a reporter informed him that a Leonardo da Vinci painting (La Belle Ferronière) owned by Hahn was to go on sale in America.Without hesitation, Duveen refuted the authenticity of the picture, knowing the original was hanging in the Louvre. Joseph Duveen and the fake Leonardo. Featuring hundreds of artists and thousands of works. Biographies, historical commentary, religious and mythological notes. La belle ferronnière is a portrait of a woman, usually attributed to Leonardo da Vinci, in the Louvre. 1452, Vinci, d. 1519, Cloux, near Amboise) La belle Ferronière c. …