Berlin Station 2016 16+ 3 Seasons TV Dramas CIA analyst Daniel Miller goes undercover inside the agency's own Berlin headquarters to hunt for an anonymous whistleblower leaking damaging secrets. CIA Agent Rafael Torres violates the Station Chief of Berlin Station Orders and retrieves the burned body that he believes is of Missing CIA Agent Daniel Miller. Channel 4 has acquired Paramount’s critically acclaimed CIA drama “Berlin Station” for the U.K. Paramount Pictures Worldwide Television Licensing and … Watch Berlin Station premiering 10/16 on EPIX! We may inform you in case if Berlin Station is renewed for another season, a specific release date for the upcoming season is revealed, or the show is canceled. Great Service, Fast Shipping. A series gets an Average Tomatometer when at least 50 percent of its seasons have a score. Anne Lister looking at the camera and right into my gay soul for 4 minutes and 3 seconds "straight" - Duration: 4… How many seasons the show 'Berlin Station' contains to date? EXCLUSIVE: We’ll never know if Ashley Judd ended up becoming CIA director because Epix has canceled Berlin Station. The Explosion of a Fishing Boat is detected. Announced March 29th 2019 #BerlinStation #Epix #TVNews. Bestselling TV Series's on Sale Now. Season 3 debuted in … Debuting in October 2016 as one of Epix’s first scripted series, Berlin Station earned a Season 2 renewal from the pay-cable network the following month. The Average Tomatometer is the sum of all season scores divided by the number of seasons with a … Track down the renewal/cancellation status of Berlin Station on Epix. We're not about to lose another member of the Berlin Station family, are we?. Buy Berlin Station - Season 1-4 DVD At Sanity Online Or In Store. Berlin Station continues to search for the truth behind Katerina Gerhardt's assassination and Nick Fischer's (Scott Winters) role in it, as a protest outside the US Embassy escalates.