Hier schlägt das gastliche Herz der Pfalz. Herzlich willkommen im Deidesheimer Hof. Give away "special moments" with a voucher from the Deidesheimer Hof directly here … We use cookies to personalize content and to analyze our traffic. Press. Schwarzer Hahn - - un restaurant du Guide Michelin Retrouvez toutes les informations sur Schwarzer Hahn, un restaurant de la Sélection Michelin: avis des inspecteurs, type de cuisine, heures d'ouverture, prix pratiqués ... Schwarzer Hahn - - un restaurant du Guide Michelin. Bitte entscheiden Sie sich, ob Sie unsere Cookies akzeptieren möchten. Creative gourmet cuisine is served in the Schwarzer Hahn restaurant, in the hotel’s historic cellar. Many wine taverns and vineyards can be explored on foot from the Deidesheimer … Our gift vouchers We know how to give your family, friends and business partners a special treat. Guests can also enjoy regional food in the traditional St. Urban restaurant or on the terrace overlooking the marketplace. Many wine taverns and vineyards can be explored on foot from the Deidesheimer … Please decide if you are willing to accept cookies from our website. You will be received in a Renaissance manor overlooking the most romantic market square in the region – a temple of tranquility, as confirmed by the many famous names in the Golden Book.Taste regional dishes in the Weinstube Sankt Urban or appreciate classical cuisine in the gourmet restaurant Schwarzer Hahn.Exquisite wine cellar, wine tasting, cooking classes, art and culture. Hier verwöhnen wir Gäste aus aller Welt und laden sie ein, die schönsten Stunden und Tage bei uns zu verbringen. Deidesheimer Hof und Betreibergesellschaft Deidesheimer Hof Am Marktplatz 1 67146 Deidesheim Phone: +49 6326 96870 Fax: +49 6326 7685 info@deidesheimerhof.de Weather The Deidesheimer Hof stands on the German Wine Route, beside the Pfälzerwald (Palatinate Forest). Guests can also enjoy regional food in the traditional St. Urban restaurant or on the terrace overlooking the marketplace. Wir verwenden Cookies um Inhalte zu personalisieren und unsere Besucherstatistik zu führen. Creative gourmet cuisine is served in the Schwarzer Hahn restaurant, in the hotel’s historic cellar. We are especially proud and happy that most of our employees have been with us for many years. The Deidesheimer Hof stands on the German Wine Route, beside the Pfälzerwald (Palatinate Forest). Deidesheimer Hof und Betreibergesellschaft Deidesheimer Hof Am Marktplatz 1 67146 Deidesheim Phone: +49 6326 96870 Fax: +49 6326 7685 info@deidesheimerhof.de Weather A total of 70 employees look after the well-being of our guests in the Deidesheimer Hof and in the restaurant SCHWARZER HAHN as well as in the restaurant SANKT URBAN.