7 different skins for the 3 variants The Propair Falke Bundle consists of: 3 different variants of the aircraft: SF-25B, SF-25C, SF-25E They do not only differ visually but in engine, wheel setup etc. New EU Cookie Directive. SALE SF25B £10,000 ono G-KHEA SF25B for sale just put it on G reg ,new ARC 21-04 12 , af hrs 7080, SE 1800 65hp engine as been rebiult but not 0 timed ,runs very well , radio, recent recover and repaint,new prop any trial for cost of the fuel. Der SF 25 C-Falke ist ein Motorsegler mit einfacher Handhabung und gutmütigem Flugverhalten. About 200 SF-25Bs had been built by Scheibe, about 10 more by Aeronautica Umbra Sppp in Italy, plus 35 by Vickers-Slingsby, who are producing a modified verison of the B as the T61E Venture T Mk 2 for the Air Training Corps. Scheibe SF-25 Falke aircraft for sale << Return. The SF-25 Motorfalke was licence built from 1970 by Slingsby Sailplanes Ltd in UK as Type 61 Falke. Plane-Sale.com directory of used AIRCRAFT and HELICOPTERS worldwide. Auch Wenigflieger haben mit diesem Motorsegler keine Probleme. VSKYLABS Scheibe SF-25C Falke Project-The Scheibe SF-25C Falke is a German touring motor-glider which flew for the first time in 1963. Mit den verschiedenen Motorvarianten kann der Falke auf jeden Bedarf individuell zugeschnitten werden. Without cookies, this site will not work as intended !! I'm currently thinking of a better way to implement the new directive Es ist unwahrscheinlich, dass die Scheibe Flugzeugbau SF 25 C – vom Hersteller stolz „Falke“ genannt, von ihren Nutzern liebevoll „Kuh“ oder „Rentnerjet“ – jemals in der Literatur als Beispiel für besonders gefälliges Luftfahrzeugdesign genannt wird. by continuing, you agree to the use of cookies. 6,000 € Hungary 9599 Scheibe SF-25C Falke 2000 1/3 share : 1972 . Aus diesem Grund fliegt der SF 25-C auch in vielen Flugschulen und Vereinen weltweit. Shown are numbers 1 to 3 of 3 selected aircraft for sale Manufacturer / Type : Year: Price Country: Vws Scheibe SF-25B Falke B/D mod : 1971 . The two-place powered sailplane is featuring a low wing configuration, an 80hp engine and side by side seating. Here you can find and buy Turboprop aircraft - Scheibe - Falke sf 25 b 22,500 € Finland 6726 Scheibe SF-25C Falke 2000 : 1973 . Glide like a falcon! Propair Flight is ready for its debut with nothing else than the classic german tour motorglider the Scheibe Falke SF-25. Hig