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The Frankfurt School respects your privacy Our websites use various cookies with different functions. Frankfurt School of Finance & Management is an AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA accredited, leading private Business School based in Frankfurt am Main, with over 86 regional education centres spread across Germany and several joint ventures abroad – a business school with a difference. Welcome to Frankfurt School. Un vaste réseau d'établissements partenaires établis un peu partout dans le monde où vous pourriez présenter votre examen final. Finance verstehen wir als Querschnittsfunktion in allen Unternehmen, die sich mit dem Management von Finanzen befassen. Nous proposons de nombreux programmes de formation des cadres et d'autres formations personnalisées, conçus pour garantir que les cadres sont en mesure de répondre aux exigences du marché exigeant d'aujourd'hui. Frankfurt School of Finance & Management is an AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA-accredited, leading private Business School based in Frankfurt am Main, with over 86 regional education centres spread across Germany and several joint ventures abroad.. All courses offered by Frankfurt School have three aspects in common: high standards, diversity and practice-orientation. … Frankfurt School of Finance & Management ; Anschrift Adickesalle 32-34 60322 Frankfurt am Main E-Mail Telefon 069 – 154008 – 0 Url Größere Kartenansicht ++ FOM Hochschule für Ökonomie & Management ++ Frankfurt School of Finance & Management ++ Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences ++ Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main ++ Hessische … Welcome to Frankfurt School. The event was jointly organised by the Sino-German Center at Frankfurt School and the Center for East-Asian Studies at J. W. Goethe University. Wir bieten eine stetig wachsende Auswahl an Frankfurt School Markenartikeln. La Frankfurt School of Finance & Management a 50 ans d'expérience dans la formation des cadres et des employés. As one of Europe’s leading business schools, our Executive Education and Professional Education courses set standards in lifelong learning as we impart financial and management skills to people in every industry, at every stage in their career. Das Studium "Finance & Management" an der privaten "Frankfurt School of Finance & Management" hat eine Regelstudienzeit von 4 Semestern und endet mit dem Abschluss "Bachelor of Arts". Take the next step. Many notable alumni are associated with the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management who are now pursuing successful careers. Alle Informationen über die angebotenen Fächer, Studienrichtungen, Öffnungszeiten, Bibliothek, Studienberatung und Hochschulsport der Frankfurt School of Finance & Management. Take the next step. Die Frankfurt School of Finance & Management möchte diese gesellschaftliche Verantwortung fördern und im Rahmen eines Dialogs auf dem Sustainable Management Summit mit allen relevanten Stakeholdern breit diskutieren. La possibilité d'obtenir un certificat de la Frankfurt School lors du passage de l'examen final ou une attestation de participation, après avoir terminé toutes les unités. Some of them include Christian Sewing who is a German banker and the current CEO of Deutsche Bank, Alexander Doll who was the former CEO of Barclays Germany, Rainer Fuhrmann who was the former CEO of DZ Bank and Jochen Klösges who is the present CEO of the E.R. These, on the one hand, serve solely technical functions and, on the other hand, also the optimisation of the websites, interaction with social media as well as user … Our programmes are offered both full and part-time and follow the participant-centered learning approach developed by Harvard Business School. Alle unsere Produkte werden von Hand und entsprechend der Interessen unserer Studenten, Dozenten und Alumni ausgewählt. Das Studium wird in Frankfurt am Main, Hamburg und München angeboten. The Frankfurt School respects your privacy Our websites use various cookies with different functions. Mit Augenmerkt auf hoher Qualität und der Förderung von Teamgeist, haben wir uns speziell auf Kleidung und Geschenke spezialisiert. Many notable alumni are associated with the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management who are now pursuing successful careers.