... cocked his head hard to the side, squeezed one eye closed to aim and dry-fired the weapon. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. ... 34 Responses to Remanufactured Ammunition, Bad for Your Gun Right? In over 40 years of rolling my own, I have had ONE failure to fire of a reload in a match. What does gun expression mean? The first participant, who had significant firing experience, couldn’t even get the gun out of his holster. One study found that over 70% of 8-12 year old boys found a hidden handgun within 15 minutes, greater than 70% of those that found the gun handled it and 50% pulled the trigger. Definition of put a gun to head in the Idioms Dictionary. After all, there is no automobile manufacturer that has not had a safety recall. A gunman who killed two people during a Texas church service was fatally shot within seconds by the church's head of security who says he feels like he "killed an evil," not a human. In each one of the cases, the reaction by the good guy with a gun was abysmal. put a gun to head phrase. Gun safety researchers may finally be able to answer basic questions about gun ownership, policies and violence prevention programs. What does put a gun to head expression mean? A clerk at a Verizon store in Inver Grove Heights had a robber’s gun at his head when he drew his own firearm from his waistband and shot the perpetrator, according to robbery charges filed Monday. ... the news or a recent conversation you've had with your child about gun safety. The second participant exposed her body to the assailant and was shot in the head. The deep green pool of the Salinas River was still in the late afternoon. More than 90% of the boys that handled the gun or pulled the trigger had previously received gun safety instructions. How Defective Guns Became the Only Product That Can’t Be Recalled ... 22 rifle when he was 7 and drilled safety into his head on hunting trips and at the shooting range. gun phrase. Upon inspection I found the primer had gone into the pocket upside down. What does gun expression mean? Convicted felon admits he had gun after bar shooting, records show ... One of Solis' co-defendants is accused of hitting the man in the head with a pool ball, and Solis and a … The second and last time I had a gun put to my head it was by the police. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. Definition of gun in the Idioms Dictionary. Gun Safety: The One Question You Must Ask. What does put a gun to head expression mean? Definitions by …