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Der finnische Science-Fiction-Film „Iron Sky“ (2012) und seine aktuelle Fortsetzung „Iron Sky 2: The Coming Race“ sind besonders betroffen. Download our mobile app now. Listen to your favorite songs from Paolo Nutini. Find out where Iron Sky (2012) is streaming, if Iron Sky (2012) is on Netflix, and get news and updates, on Decider. Stream ad-free with Amazon Music Unlimited on mobile, desktop, and tablet. Mondnazis never die! Julia Dietze is also in this movie, but it is like the director wanted to make her look like an old witch and then give her a minor role in the movie. I was a huge fan of the original Iron Sky movie. The directors cut of Donnie Darko complements the theatrical cut, it just shouldn't be watched first, same thing goes for Iron Sky. Sie finden Rezensionen und Details zu einer vielseitigen Blu-ray- und DVD-Auswahl – neu und gebraucht. The whole movie was poorly written, poorly directed, and poorly executed. Nach dem durchschlagenden Erfolg von „Iron Sky“ (2012) legt der finnische Independent-Regisseur Timo Vuorensola mit IRON SKY: THE COMING RACE noch mal eine ganze Schippe drauf. Julia Dietze is also in this movie, but it is like the director wanted to make her look like an old witch and then give her a minor role in the movie. The whole movie was poorly written, poorly directed, and poorly executed. Julia Dietze MADE Iron Sky worth watching. ... New On Amazon Prime Video April 2020 ... Where to Stream: Iron Sky (2012) Julia Dietze MADE Iron Sky worth watching. So if you're already a fan of Iron Sky then buy the directors cut, however, if you've never seen this movie before then i suggest buying or renting the theatrical cut and see what you think first. Die skurrile tiefschwarze Science-Fiction-Komödie führt die Menschheit in den ultimativen Endkampf gegen ihren Erzfeind: Nazi-Zombie-Hitler mit seiner prähistorischen Kampfdinosaurier-Armee. - Kaufen Sie Iron Sky - Wir kommen in Frieden! Qualifizierte Bestellungen werden kostenlos geliefert. I was a huge fan of the original Iron Sky movie. günstig ein.