Welcome to the Trophy guide for Journey to the Savage Planet! Don't worry, the speed run is actually very easy. The Shocking trophy achievement requires you to s tun 5 creatures simultaneously with Shock Fruit Getting it will net you a Bronze trophy and/or 15 achievement points In order to achieve this one you need to head for the Landing Site - Outside The Javelin. There are 44 Trophies to be earned here and it is a very obtainable Platinum. It is going to require two playthroughs. The first fuel source is actually given to you as part of the story. The base game contains 44 trophies, and there is 1 DLC packs containing 2 trophies. Journey to the Savage Planet Trophies Full list of all 46 Journey to the Savage Planet trophies - 29 bronze, 13 silver, 3 gold and 1 platinum. The required time is under… For Journey to the Savage Planet on the PlayStation 4, GameFAQs has 44 trophies. Rappelons que les objectifs sont les mêmes, peu importe la plateforme. Willkommen auf Trophies.de Mit 89.000 Mitgliedern , über 140.000 Themen und mehr als 6,9 Millionen Beiträgen sind wir das größte deutschsprachige PS4, PS3 & PS Vita Forum. Als Gast stehen dir nicht alle Funktionen der Seite zur Verfügung, die Registrierung und … There are 44 Trophies to be earned here and it is a very obtainable Platinum. After respawning inside the Javelin (which will pop Aaaaaaand we're back ), head back outside then follow the Mission Marker (indicated by a Purple Parcel on your HUD) and locate both your corpse and loot box. Cela vous permettra d'obtenir le 100% ou le platine selon le support. Just going to be content with my Platinum for this one. View all the trophies here In Stores This Week Around The World - Journey to the Savage Planet: Aug 19, 2019: Journey to the Savage Planet Launches in January 2020 With Co-Op: Jun 13, 2019: Journey to the Savage Planet Gameplay Features Farting Fauna: Mar 28, 2019: Journey to the Savage Planet Trailer Takes You to a Golden Age of Sci-Fi Journey to the Savage Planet – No Refunds / Screw This Noise Trophy/Achievement Guide. Fuel 1 – Landing Site – Cliffs of Mr. Gzarfyn. I really wish devs would stop with the co-op trophies. Voici la liste complète et officielle des trophées et succès du jeu Journey to the Savage Planet. One of which will be a speed run. The video below was done after completing the story and getting all of the possible upgrades and accessories, thus it may be best for you to do so too. Welcome to IGN's complete list of Journey to the Savage Planet … Journey to the Savage Planet has 46 trophies that can be earned. Journey to the Savage Planet - Shocking (Trophy Achievement) The Shocking trophy achievement requires you to s tun 5 creatures simultaneously with Shock Fruit Getting it will net you a Bronze trophy and/or 15 achievement points