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Mitsubishi Materials Corporation is pleased to announce the issue, today, of its "Mitsubishi Materials Integrated Report 2018". contained in this report are calculated according to generally accepted accounting principles in Japan, unless otherwise noted. Annual Report Annual Report 2019. Feature 2: Mitsubishi Motors' Material CSR Issues (2Pages, 127KB) 5. Mitsubishi Motors Corporation’s current plans, strategies, beliefs, performance outlook and other statements in this annual report that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements. Contents: Download (531KB) To our shareholders: Download (162KB) Financial highlights: Download (84KB) Non-financial highlights: Download (226KB) Initiatives / External evaluation In this publication, we have provided an annual summary of KAITEKI management including results in finance, innovation, and sustainability, and have endeavored to introduce the KAITEKI concept in an easy-to-understand manner. Management Messages (8Pages, 755KB) 3. Management (3Pages, 208KB) 6. Cover, Vision and Mission (3Pages, 548KB) 2. Select Region. These … All Pages (40Pages, 7.54MB) 1. Mitsubishi Motors Corporation’s current plans, strategies, beliefs, performance outlook and other statements in this annual report that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements. 02 MITSUBISHI CORPORATION FINANCIAL SECTION OF INTEGRATED REPORT 2018 Mitsubishi Corporation FINANCIAL SECTION OF INTEGRATEDREPORT