Trier weihnachtsmarkt ( chief market) Germany.. Gemerkt von Make sure you take the little train ride that is about 5 euros or so that is right around the Porta Nigra.You will see a lot of sights. Great free park and ... ride service, well used and every 10 minutes. Trier weihnachtsmarkt ( chief market) Germany . Rheinland Pfalz. Trier market is very nice. Ein Service der City-Initiative Trier mit der SWT Verkehrs-GmbH Free Park+Ride-service Park+Ride gratuit 03.12., 10.12., 17.12.2016 r ge kostenloses Park+Ride von und nach Trier … Trier - remember going there all the time on the train from Spangdalem AB, miss it. Where else could you gat a Big Mac with a large beer. Rheinland Pfalz Nordrhein Westfalen … Frankfurt is also a very nice Christmas market. Wonderful atmosphere and although busy well natured visitors and stall holders. MARCHÉ DE NOËL À TRÈVES (Trier) Les dates du Marché de Noël 2019: 22 Novembre – 22 Décembre 2019 (Fermé le 24 novembre) Marché de Noël à Trèves (Trierer Weihnachtsmarkt). Trier weihnachtsmarkt ( chief market) Germany. Between the two, I would suggest that you just go to the one that is more convenient to get to. You can see and smell why this is the number one listed German market, well done Trier! !