Click here for an interview with the curator. Ph: Tom Vack. The exhibition in the Neue Sammlung at the Pinakothek der Moderne, which runs until autumn 2020, showcases the lifework of the lighting artist who passed away in October 2019. As well as being a haven for contemplation and concentration, it also acts as a platform for experimentation, where one can engage in contemporary discussions on art and try out new strategies. The Pinakothek der Moderne sees itself as a forum for active dialogue. Design or What?” Ingo Maurer. Die Neue Sammlung – The Design Museum i Since time immemorial people have been fascinated by the archaic shape of the egg and its structural perfection. Design or what? Design or what?“ präsentiert Die Neue Sammlung – The Design Museum das Werk des vielfach ausgezeichneten und international renommierten Lichtgestalters Ingo Maurer und führt in seine faszinierende Welt des Lichts und Schattens ein. From 15 November 2019 to 18 October 2020, the Pinakothek der Moderne in Munich will host the exhibition “Ingo Maurer intim. Photo: Ingo Maurer Lightdesign Zum Auftakt zeigt die Neue Sammlung – The Design Museum ab April 2019 bis Februar 2020 die Installation „Pendulum“ des Licht-Designers Ingo Maurer. More about Ingo Maurer: An exhibition in the Neue Sammlung at the Pinakothek der Moderne, which runs until autumn 2020, showcases the lifework of the lighting artist. With his unusual lamps and lighting systems for residential spaces, buildings and public areas, Ingo Maurer has touched people throughout his life. Ab 2019 wird die Rotunde regelmäßig alternierend mit einem ortsspezifisch geschaffenen Werk bespielt: als Ausdruck der Transdisziplinarität der Pinakothek der Moderne sowie zur Belebung des Eingangsbereiches. With the exhibition “Ingo Maurer intim. Ingo Maurer intim. The swinging pendulum is one of nature’s physical phenomena that Design or what?” (Ingo Maurer intimately. Design or what?) Mit der Ausstellung „Ingo Maurer intim. .