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RT Users Crown Obi-Wan Kenobi the Winner of the Star Wars Showdown. It's hollow, unnecessary hectic, without soul and the good old Star Wars magic! I am a life long Star Wars fan and this was the first time I came out disappointed. Star Wars: Episode IX doesn’t open in theaters until this December, but the film is already being attacked by trolls on Rotten Tomatoes.. December 19, 2019. You can head over to Rotten Tomatoes to check out some Star Wars 9 reviews. ... About Rotten Tomatoes; Sonic Movie's Rotten Tomatoes Scores are Higher Than Star Wars Episode 9. Kevin Burwick. Against any and all expectations, the Rotten Tomatoes scores … Move over “The Last Jedi,” there’s a new “Star Wars” installment to debate ad infinitum. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker First Reviews: A Mixed Bag of Nostalgia, Jam-Packed with Story and Action. December 18, 2019. The 38 Best Star Wars Moments. Topics: Rotten Tomatoes. Hear Us Out is a semi-regular column in which guest contributors and editors venture forth a take that’s sure to get fans talking.. We’re mere seconds away from The Rise Of Skywalker.And sure, we’re excited – but also, if you love Star Wars and want it to continue, you might also feel that the end of the Skywalker Saga can’t come soon enough. December 19, 2019. And I am not picky, I was mostly happy even with the last two movies, but this one is the worst Star Wars movie yet. Writer for Movieweb … Il giorno della sua uscita nei cinema, l’ultimo capitolo cinematografico della saga di Star Wars aveva un punteggio del 58% di recensioni positive, sul sito Rotten Tomatoes.. Oggi, a un mese dalla sua uscita nei cinema italiani, Star Wars: L’Ascesa di Skywalker si attesta come il peggior film dell’intero franchise cinematografico targato Lucasfilm.