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I've got Car-Net and App-Connect (using my iPhone SE) and they work fine. An overview of the benefits for you: - Display various vehicle data, … And when I go into App-Connect, it tells me "You can activate this function by buying an activation key from your VW Dealer." Muziek selecteren en beluisteren op uw smartphone of turn-by-turn-navigatie-instructies ontvangen: dat kan voortaan op het centrale scherm. This kit comes with a bluetooth adapter, it’s ready out of the box. Someone else has been able to solve this problem before If so, I would be very grateful if you could tell me how to unlock app connect APP CONNECT YOU CAN ACTIVATE THE FUNCCTION BY BUYING AN ACTIVATION KEY FROM YOUR VW DEALER App-Connect kan alleen worden geactiveerd wanneer de functie reeds aanwezig en zichtbaar is op het systeem. Asks me for an activation key. Es ermöglicht Ihnen, ausgewählte Apps und Inhalte komfortabel direkt in Ihrem Volkswagen zu bedienen. Dank App-Connect ist das so leicht wie nie zuvor. In meinem 3C muss ich App Connect noch freischalten - Gehe ich damit einfach zum Freundlichen? Gehört das auch zu App connect oder ist das was anderes? - On a 2015 vehicle, there is no App-Connect feature provisioned (Since this is a 2016/MIB2 feature only). Mein Auto hat Car Play ich kann allerdings nicht per Tablet über die Vw App Media Control mit dem DP arbeiten. So this feature won't work. With Volkswagen App-Connect available in certain models, you can access select smartphone apps right from your dash. Itt tekintheti meg kötelezettségek vállalása nélkül, hogy az Ön által kiválasztott járművekben mely mobil online szolgáltatások érhetők el. Unlock full Android app mirroring on your dashboard with this AppRadio hack. Bonjour, J'ai un Caddy 2016 et, quand je veux utiliser l'application App-Connect, un message apparaît sur le moniteur qui me demande une clé d'activation. Together with our DataPlug**, the ‘We Connect Go’ app connects you instantly with your new vehicle or model from 2008 onwards. The good news is it’s compatible with iOs, meaning you can use your iPhone or iPad to run the app. Carista is another VCDS-like app that allows you to modify settings on your VW just like the OBDeleven we’re using here. When the VW tech runs through the ODIS guided fault finder, ODIS will pull all of the FeC codes applicable to your VIN, and enable them for you on the new infotainment device. App-Connect brengt een naadloze verbinding tot stand tussen uw wagen en uw smartphone via MirrorLink™- en Apple CarPlay-interfaces. Want to use practical connectivity features in your Volkswagen*, but don’t have We Connect or Car-Net in your vehicle? App-Connect makes your phone and your car - friends. Sie möchten Ihre Smartphone-Apps sicher und komfortabel im Fahrzeug nutzen? However, after visiting 1 dealer, talking to 2 others and about 12 people on the phone, no one has heard of this problem or has any idea how to solve it. No problem. I've just got around to pressing the Infotainment VOICE button and was greeted with ' ... see your dealer for an activation code ..." Can someone tell me please what the dealers in the UK are currently charging us for the activation code and, is it really worth it? Maps, messaging, music, and more can show up on your touchscreen for easy display and use. Was kostet das ca.? Az Ön Volkswagen járműve kompatibilis a We Connect vagy a Car-Net a We Connect szolgáltatással? It's the beginning of … Danke und Gruß! I have a problem with app connect on my VW golf. Sie werden auf das Display des Infotainment-Systems übertragen und können bequem und übersichtlich in Ihrem Blickfeld bedient werden.