I need to show a popup using magnificPopup js which will come after the successfully submission of the contact form. I created the form and the related CSS, so everything is working fine. I'm using Contact Form 7 plugin in a WordPress template. The Basics. The only place where it’ll be used is in the next step, when testing the SMTP configuration. I set up "Mail" in the form to send to the central email and "Mail (2)" to send to the salesperson (if one exists). With Contact Form 7, if the email address after the pipe was empty, emails would not be sent at all. Contact Form 7 (CF7) is one of the most popular contact form plugin options for WordPress-based businesses. More Contact Form 7 Tutorials you may want to check out after this one: Contact Form 7 Multiple File Upload Functionality Quick and Easy; Contact Form 7 Redirect Multiple Forms To Different Pages After Submission Without A Plugin; Create A 2-Column Responsive Contact Form with Contact Form 7; Get Value From URL Parameter To Pre-fill Contact Form 7 I created the form and the related CSS, so everything is working fine. ... Wordpress Send Form Data on Redirection in Contact Form 7. It seems that the From Email field has no impact at all if you use an SMTP server to send all WordPress emails. You can find docs, FAQ and more detailed information about Contact Form 7 on contactform7.com. Now you can join both: the best contact form plugin to WordPress and any webhook which receive JSON! Selectable Recipient with Pipes Imagine that you are a webmaster of a company and you need a contact form on your site which will allow the sender to select an email recipient. Ask Question ... Can anyone suggest how I can get the field values from contact form 7 into the url, or alternatively send as a $_POST parameter? Sending variables from Wordpress Contact Form 7 submission to success page. Interested in development? Have added an hook for the wpcf7_mail_sent, but how can I call popup to show using javascript. ****EASY SOLUTION**** The options of using the EventListener script didn't work for me, but I found a super simple solution. Thank you to the translators for their contributions. The only place where it’ll be used is in the next step, when testing the SMTP configuration. I am using Contact Form 7 with Dynamic Text Extension on a WordPress site. Formspree is a form backend, API and email service for HTML forms. The method outlined by Michael actually allows an empty field after the pipe. First, let’s start off with the basic mechanism: Create a tag that will contain the email address, and set that tag’s name as the email recipient. “Contact Form 7 Dynamic Text Extension” has been translated into 3 locales. Contact Form 7 can manage multiple contact forms, plus you can customize the form and the mail contents flexibly with simple markup. the form should disappear and shows "Sent!" More Contact Form 7 Tutorials you may want to check out after this one: Contact Form 7 Multiple File Upload Functionality Quick and Easy; Contact Form 7 Redirect Multiple Forms To Different Pages After Submission Without A Plugin The information does not get stored to a database, rather it is sent only via email. As we know nowadays contact form 7 is most common plugin use in WordPress. However, Contact Form 7 … Contact Form 7 (CF7) is a awesome plugin used by 1+ million WordPress websites. Contact Form 7 needs your support It is hard to continue development and support for this free plugin without contributions from users like you. I am using Wordpress and Contact form 7. the form should disappear and shows "Sent!"