Category: World of Warships. If the Massy is top tier it's a killer though as with IFHE its … What on earth are you talking about? On top of having their fire chance gutted in half, the 6" guns on these ships will have their penetration reduced from 32mm to 30mm [when taking IFHE]. Five inch guns will only be able to pen 25mm of plating with IFHE (down from 27), while T8+ cruisers and T6+ battleships get their armor buffed to 26mm or higher. IFHE bismarck build will melt a … Otherwise you can only deal damage to the superstructure (besides fires). Source: World of Warships Forum Is the tendency of powercreep intentional, or is it a side effect? However, it can now pen only 26 mm so the Des Moines and related ships of the American line are out. “Massachusetts X Bismarck: Which would you take for a secondaries only duel?” Massive thanks to Strefs for doing the transcript of last Friday Q&A with the Developers from the Balancing Department.. So really, IFHE's main use here is for bow-on BBs and getting the 152s past 32mm penetration. My Bismarck secondaries do roughly 4-8.000 damage per match. Thwse secondaries cannot penetrate much of anything, even DDs, limiting them to firestarting for utility/damage. So really, IFHE's main use here is for bow-on BBs and getting the 152s past 32mm penetration. Typically, you pick IFHE for cruisers with 150-180 mm caliber to penetrate those 32 mm BB bows and with Akizuki to penetrate DD hulls and bigger ship superstructures with HE. This table is mostly to check if IFHE would be viable by seeing the change it presents. For instance, the 128mm secondary guns of Großer Kurfürst and Gneisenau can penetrate 30mm of armor without IFHE, and 32mm with. 120-130mm guns can pen 20-21mm of armor, or 32mm if German BB secondaries. No IFHE necessary, there are no real interesting thresholds to be crossed with the secondaries by taking IFHE on Bisko. There's another small perk in the high base fire chance of all the secondaries - IFHE doesn't really hurt your fire starting much, so you don't need Demolition Expert to compensate. Unfortunately the change is not good for these warships, as they 100% require IFHE for their secondaries to be of any real use. There's another small perk in the high base fire chance of all the secondaries - IFHE doesn't really hurt your fire starting much, so you don't need Demolition Expert to compensate. Tier IV - IFHE is not needed. This World of Warships captain skill guide will go over each captain skill currently available and whether or not it is worth it to select for your captain. The key to understanding this is looking at the calibers and knowing that they pen 1/4 of their calibre. IFHE is a problem because of how it allows the Akizuki line and six-inch HE spammers to pen 32mm plating, but their solution applies to … ijn 100mm still need ifhe to eat battleships, GK doesnt need it anymore, usn secondaries are now worse with ifhe because they only reach 26mm now and not the important 27, atlanta still needs ifhe to pen t7 battleship plating, and smolensk is better without it Tier V - IFHE is not needed when top tier, but is useful when facing higher tiered opponents. IFHE is still needed for Massachusetts' secondaries to pen the fore and aft plating of many higher-tier CAs. World of Warships World of Warships is a naval action MMO, dipping into the world of large-scale sea battles of the first half of the twentieth century. 150-155mm guns can pen 25mm of armor, or 37mm if German BB secondaries. Only 50% of the Bismarcks and Freds secondaries benefit from IFHE, the other 50% dont pen 32mm even with IFHE. Gneisnau and Kurfurst are the ONLY 2 ships in the game in which 100% of the secondaries benefit from IFHE, with this skill ALL secondaries obtain the ability to pen 32mm of armor. World of Warships - The Update Thread starter Meghel; Start date Mar 4, 2015 ... Then you want manly secondaries to actually hit your targets and increase your disruption by a lot and finally IFHE so your secondaries become an actual threat to the red player's hull. Hier die Erklärung: Und hier das Ganze noch verständlicher: Destroyers Tier II - IFHE is not needed. World of Warships, strategy, tips, latest news, ship stats, bonus codes, developments and other content. A highly skilled captain in World of Warships can be the difference between you excelling in a battle and being outclassed by your opponents. The IFHE build for Alsace works so well because she has a large number of fast-firing 100mm secondaries with outstanding coverage arcs around the ship. See chart if you need more information: What on earth are you talking about? Here are the key numbers: 100-105mm guns can pen 16mm of armor, or 26mm if German BB secondaries. A hard question – during the years we develop new ideas and mechanics. 200 mm CA guns don't benefit from IFHE. World of Warships is a free-to-play naval warfare-themed massively multiplayer online game produced by international game developer and publisher Wargaming after releasing the first military-oriented F2P MMO World of Tanks.Besides random battles against others, player can play cooperative battle types against bots or an advanced PvE battle mode called Scenario …